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What people are saying

I am a totally different person!

Green Smoothies have impacted my life in so many ways. I had gained 65 pounds from my first pregnancy on my “organic” processed-food diet. My self-esteem and confidence was crumbling around me. My energy levels ran on low even though I am only in my twenties. I remember when I was introduced to the concept of green smoothies at a health food store. A lady was handing out free samples. I used to work at a smoothie bar and the thought of adding greens to smoothies had never occurred to me.

It was two years ago when I discovered this amazing drink, and I have had one every day since. People started to comment on how radiant” my skin looked and asked how I was losing weight only 2-3 months after starting green smoothies. Soon, I had to make a printout of recipes and tips to give out to friends and family to make explaining the “Green Smoothie” easier and not as redundant. Not long after that, I started teaching health classes. There are probably more families at my church making smoothies than those that are not. We have all seen a difference in our health. I do not crave salty and sweet things like I used to. I feel like the chains of my cravings were released with the key of smoothies.

I have lost over 40 pounds and gained soaring levels of energy. I have a better outlook on life. I prefer to go for a walk instead of watching TV with a bag of chips by my side. My passion has grown so much for this simple concept that I am working on a website called I want others to feel the freedom that I am experiencing.

In February of ‘09, I had my second son. Thank goodness I can say that I didn’t gain 65 pounds this time around–only 16! I lost all of that on delivery day. Even though I didn’t gain a lot of weight, my 9-pound newborn was not lacking in that area. By 6 weeks post-partum, I was 6 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight! I was not starving myself either. The green smoothies give me so many different nutrients that my body doesn’t crave the junk.

I am so glad that there are people like Robyn out there promoting such a wonderful concept. Because of people like her, I am a totally different person. Thank you!

*results may vary

— DaNae Johnson

Chance Encounter

Robyn Openshaw’s 12 Steps to Whole Foods is by far the most comprehensive, must-read, nutritional material out there! Our family has spent years reading the latest raw-food books/plans and struggled with contradicting information. We found most recipes to be too time consuming, complicated, and expensive for our large family. And we still had questions—if we are to eat “every seed bearing thing,” why aren’t grains widely used in raw food recipes? What about good qualities of dairy, such as probiotics in yogurt, etc.? Most importantly, how can a mom of four with a limited budget possibly make it all work?

I found Robyn’s site by chance—and all of a sudden the answers (plus more!) we’d been searching for were right in front of our eyes. Robyn has covered pretty much every topic in the nutrition field with a simple, doable approach. We are excited to finally have found a way to make nutrition work for our family!

— Jennifer Bartlett

Changed my diet and the way I think about food

You may struggle a couple of times, but just know you WILL feel amazing after you follow the detox to the end. I’m now hitting all new fitness goals and lost 25 permanent, non-water pounds and counting. Totally changed my diet and the way I think about food.

Josh Willet - Before & After the 26-Day Detox

— Josh Willet, Kansas

I love everything about green smoothies

I love everything about green smoothies. They have made a great improvement in my life. I share them with anyone interested in tasting one and most everyone loves them as much as I do! People who are not open minded enough to try a small taste, well, they do not know what a grand, life-changing experience that are missing. I was so excited when my 21-year old daughter told me about green smoothies. I could not wait to try one. What an awesome gift to share with anyone that you love!!!

— Bonnie K.

Healthier, More Energy—and 15 Pounds Lost!

I would like to thank Robyn so very much, (as well as all the support doctors, friends and helpers), for this wonderful detox program you offer. It is very well organized and you made it so easy to follow. I also would like to especially thank my good buddies who helped me to make it through with their love and encouragement. It was also a big help to read the forum of what all the other participants were going through and the response answers that were given.

I started the program at being 40 pounds overweight and I am happy to report that I lost 15 pounds! Because of the cleanse, I feel so much healthier and have much more energy! During the detox, I stopped taking all my vitamins, supplements and my prescription medications for acid reflux and cholesterol. I continued to take my Synthroid since I had my thyroid removed this past February. But I’m happy to report that I had my blood work levels checked in the middle of the detox (2nd week in) and my doctor said he could lower my level of Synthroid, and the cleanse and my weight loss were probably the contributing factors!

This is the jump start I needed to tackle my goal of losing the remaining 25 pounds I need to lose! I plan to continue to use many of your great recipes, your exercise tips, portion control and reading all labels when shopping to make healthy food choices!
Thanks so very much again!

*results may vary

— Cindy D., Voluntown, CT

I Want Everyone I Know and Love to Look and Feel Just as Incredible and Healthy as I Do Right Now!

This was an absolutely wonderful experience for me. I feel lighter, more energized, and I can tell my body is running much more efficiently and with less effort. I am already a healthy eater, but this detox has taken me to the next level. I expected most of the way my body changed and reacted to eating so much raw and whole food, but the one thing that surprised me was that the very rough, dry skin on my heels softened up considerably. Amazing! I lost a total of 10 pounds over the last 26 days, and multiple people have commented on how good I look, many of whom did not know that I was participating in a detox. (They know now!)
I really appreciated the daily content provided with the Full Support option. I learned quite a few new healthy practices that I am now incorporating into my daily routine. I am excited to see how my body continues to change as I continue these new practices in my life.

I have long since converted several of my friends and family members into drinking green smoothies, but now I am talking with them about joining me the next time I do this detox. I want everyone I know and love to look and feel just as incredible and healthy as I do right now! Many thanks to Robyn and the Green Smoothie Girl team for an amazing program.

*results may vary

— Angie B., Robinson, Illinois

Green smoothies have changed my life

Green smoothies have changed my life. Not only have I converted my family members, but also the people I work with. My 15 month old son loves the green smoothies and always asks for more. I feel better, look better, and love that I was able to spread the word about green smoothie goodness!

— Jamie Stavinaha

Love the Practical Approach

I have been reading Robyn’s blog for a few months and then attended a class she taught about green smoothies.  It has been just over a month but we are drinking green smoothies daily and I’ve already converted a few friends.  I can’t help but smile as I watch my 5 kids drink their smoothies loaded with veggies and fruits every day.

I bought the 12 Step program shortly after I started my new green smoothie habit.  I had already watched all of the YouTube videos and read everything on I just couldn’t get enough.  I have read so many books and articles on healthy eating and this feels like a breath of fresh air.   I find some of the same things I’ve learned elsewhere but the 12 Steps is much easier and enjoyable to read and follow.

I love the practical approach.  I love that Robyn is sensitive to the time and money constraints that are part of real life.  The 12 Step program is simple, affordable, and doable even for a busy mom with 5 kids.  We are just getting started but I’ve made the Chocolate Beet Cake (Ch. 11) along with several different smoothies and some fabulous salads.  I’m so excited to implement each of these steps throughout the coming year and record the benefits that we experience from each upgrade to our diet.

The 12 Steps program is loaded with information. I bought a freezer and am already planning for my garden next year with all of this new information in mind.  It has really changed the way I look at food and food preparation.

I can’t thank you enough for the time and effort you’ve put into sorting through all of the information available and bringing the most relevant and useful information into one program that can be followed by anyone.  Perhaps the biggest challenge is to take it one step at a time and not get overwhelmed by trying to do it all at once.   Thanks again and keep up the good work.

— Kelleen P

No More Crashes

Robyn first told me about green smoothies about a year and a half ago. I dabbled with making them at first, but once I figured out what recipes worked well for me, I became hooked! I make a big green smoothie every morning for breakfast, and I finally don’t have a late-morning energy crash like I used to. As a busy college student, it’s become the perfect fast food—how else am I going to get all these great veggies into my diet before noon? I find the smoothies refreshing and surprisingly filling (especially if I add an avocado), and if I eat something else for breakfast one morning, I always end up making a green smoothie later in the day because I miss it! Both my mom and sister are hooked now, too, and make them every morning for breakfast.”

— Laura T., California

I love green smoothies!

I love green smoothies! I drink them every morning, and I was so surprised how great they make me feel! I have lost weight, have lots of energy, feel healthier than ever and feel like my immune system is even stronger than it was.

Drinking green smoothies also influenced all of my eating and cooking decisions, and allowed me to lose weight safely. When we travel, I am always carrying my blender with me so I can have green smoothies anywhere I go!

My 20 month old daughter also loves them. I am sure that green smoothies are the best way to get babies/toddlers to get their greens. She gets so excited when I get out the blender and she always wants more! Thank you, green smoothies, and thank you to my friend, Tara, for introducing them to me!

*results may vary

— Kathryn Rose

The Medical Community Could Offer No Relief

Two years ago, illness and disease brought my life to a grinding halt. The medical community could not explain my symptoms nor could they offer me relief from my pain. I began to read books on natural healing and discovered the underlying truth that I needed to revamp my diet. I stumbled upon a GreenSmoothieGirl video on YouTube and discovered 12 Steps to Whole Foods shortly thereafter on the GSG website. What an amazing experience that was! Within a few short months, I was able to completely revolutionize my nutritional world. Wow!!

The 12 step program is a well researched, easy to read guide on eating well with lots of great suggestions on how to save time and money. Since implementing this program, I feel so confident about nutritionally meeting the needs of my family. Every chapter has fabulous recipes and challenging nutritional content. It charts a clear, achievable course for people who want to eat well but just don’t know how.

Since living the GSG diet, I have healed my metabolism. I weigh 20 pounds less and have dropped from a size 6 to a size 0 (who knew that size even existed!). I finally feel comfortable with my weight and how my clothes fit. My diet has become the foundation to my healing program and the improvement in my health has been remarkable in the last two years. I have way more energy and am excited about how my health will continue to improve.

I greatly appreciate the information in the 12 step program; it is well balanced and integrates time-tested traditional ways of eating with the latest research on healthy eating. Thank you for being a calm, reassuring voice that encourages us to make lifelong change. It’s not about products or gimmicks. It works for moms on tight budgets who stand as nutritional gatekeepers to the home. It worked for me and now my family is reaping the many, many benefits of whole foods!

Thank you!

*results may vary

— Darlene U., Canada

We Have So Much More Energy Now! Instead of Craving Sugar, I Crave Green Smoothies!

I had a great experience doing the GSG Detox. I was scared to sign up because I knew how bad my eating habits had been and that I had a major sugar addiction to kick. A friend of mine decided to sign up with me and then my spouse ended up doing the detox with me, so that buddy system really took away that fear and made the experience fun! It’s great that there is a buddy assigned to those who don’t have one.

I have done different types of cleanses and detoxes in the past, but the GSG Detox is far superior in every aspect. The organization makes it so easy to follow from beginning to end. The Detox Manual has everything you need, but the full-support online Detox Portal is, hands down, the way to go! The Daily Content was a great way to follow each day and either listen to the scheduled speaker, watch the daily video, or participate in the “live chat.” I feel like I just took a top-notch, online course in Health & Nutrition—for FREE! (The Detox Manual alone is worth the price you pay for this Detox!)

The Forum was the other priceless gem. I can’t tell you how valuable it was to read what other people were experiencing, have the option to ask ANY question, and have constant feedback from Robyn, the GSG staff, and any member who wants to comment! You become a community, which I already miss very much! This is the reason why I just signed up for the lifetime membership. The support is there; you are never alone!

Doing the GSG Detox was a challenge, that’s for sure, but the benefits are so worth the work! I lost a total of 13 lbs., my spouse lost 11 lbs., and my buddy lost 15 lbs. doing the detox and we are all still losing weight, which is great! We all agree that we have so much more energy now! I am happy to say that instead of craving sugar, I actually crave a green smoothies now!

Thank you for all your hard work, Robyn and GSG staff—YOU’RE THE BEST!!!

*results may vary

— Margaret C., Uncasville, Connecticut

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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