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What people are saying

I feel so much better!

I have been drinking green smoothies daily for a month now. I have seen a huge improvement in my overall outlook on life. I handle stress SO much better and I feel happier. Another huge improvement for me was the decrease in my cravings for sugary foods. This was a big problem for me. Now even if I eat something sweet, I don’t want very much of it. It has been amazing how much better I feel since starting to drink green smoothies!


— Tammy M.

This is the healthful FAST FOOD!

This is the healthful FAST FOOD! My health has changed for the better! I now have a desire to do, and to live! Thanks to green smoothies!

— Dallas J.

The Medical Community Could Offer No Relief

Two years ago, illness and disease brought my life to a grinding halt. The medical community could not explain my symptoms nor could they offer me relief from my pain. I began to read books on natural healing and discovered the underlying truth that I needed to revamp my diet. I stumbled upon a GreenSmoothieGirl video on YouTube and discovered 12 Steps to Whole Foods shortly thereafter on the GSG website. What an amazing experience that was! Within a few short months, I was able to completely revolutionize my nutritional world. Wow!!

The 12 step program is a well researched, easy to read guide on eating well with lots of great suggestions on how to save time and money. Since implementing this program, I feel so confident about nutritionally meeting the needs of my family. Every chapter has fabulous recipes and challenging nutritional content. It charts a clear, achievable course for people who want to eat well but just don’t know how.

Since living the GSG diet, I have healed my metabolism. I weigh 20 pounds less and have dropped from a size 6 to a size 0 (who knew that size even existed!). I finally feel comfortable with my weight and how my clothes fit. My diet has become the foundation to my healing program and the improvement in my health has been remarkable in the last two years. I have way more energy and am excited about how my health will continue to improve.

I greatly appreciate the information in the 12 step program; it is well balanced and integrates time-tested traditional ways of eating with the latest research on healthy eating. Thank you for being a calm, reassuring voice that encourages us to make lifelong change. It’s not about products or gimmicks. It works for moms on tight budgets who stand as nutritional gatekeepers to the home. It worked for me and now my family is reaping the many, many benefits of whole foods!

Thank you!

*results may vary

— Darlene U., Canada

Better Sleep, Clearer Skin, Fewer Sweets Cravings—Plus Lost 9 lbs!

I learned so many new ways to take care of myself and my family through this full-support detox! I’m so grateful I got guidance on essential oils, skin brushing, and coffee enemas. I now feel confident implementing these new tools for health into my everyday life. The best parts of this detox was sleeping better at night, clearer skin, and losing my cravings for sweets! I lost 9.5 pounds (and always had options of healthy things to eat when hungry!) while on the detox. This was well worth my time and effort, as it is such a well researched program, and access to the forum and my buddy gave me the support and encouragement needed to get through each phase of the detox journey. I would definitely recommend this to others and do it again on a yearly basis!

*results may vary

— Kara T., Oak Harbor, Washington

Amazing Energy and Down 10 lbs!

Donald says he is thinking clearer this morning (less foggy), no headache, down 7 pounds total.
I am down 6 pounds, no edema, my senses are more keen–kind of strange–it seems like everything is brighter, like I can see better or something. I’m more aware of sounds and smells. I woke up this morning feeling well rested and energized. My face is breaking out in red burning patches–so exciting! I KNOW I’m cleansing. This may sound totally crazy, but my breath was not deadly this morning.

(Update several days later:)
Donald’s down 9; I’m down 10. Amazing Energy! Feeling Light! Keener Senses! Mental Clarity! Normal Elimination! Clear Complexion! No Joint Pain! All In Four Days!

*results may vary

— Don and Rena P.

As soon as I added green smoothies, I felt AWESOME!

Hi, I’m 17 and a raw vegan and green smoothies have changed my life! I always felt tired and cranky and always a little hungry but as soon as I added green smoothies, I felt AWESOME! They give me everything I need, I love my green smoothies!

— Brendon Clarke-Pepper

Better Health

By following Robyn’s recommendation, which I could not believe at first but made a decision to give it a try, I lost weight without trying, and my knees and shoulders stopped aching. My blood lipid profile has improved. My cholesterol level has gone from 201 down to 157. Yes, I said 157. My doctor had me go to a different lab to have the test confirmed.

My complexion and skin tone have improved as well. I also had a problem with dry skin. I used coconut oil as recommended by Robyn, and my rash that I had on my ankles and chin cleared up completely. I had gone to the doctor and had obtained two different medications and the only thing that did any good, and in fact cleared it up, was the coconut oil. Thank you,

*results may vary

— Sandra T., California

Lost 10 lbs and Found the Simplest Foods Are Delicious—I Feel Like a Totally Different Person!

I am 32-year-old mother of three and have always been very active in sports and enjoy working out: college basketball, Zumba, and more. I was still within my BMI index for my height, but at the high end.

I have a bachelor’s degree in health and fitness and like learning about different aspects of health-related topics. I knew that in order to get better results in losing weight (I wanted to lose about 10 lbs.), I needed to eat better. Just working out alone was obviously not the solution.
I purchased 12 Steps to Whole Foods from GSG about 2.5 years ago (after I had my 3rd baby) and it helped me to lose my baby weight. Then I got out of the habit and couldn’t seem to cut out sugar and chips!

So when I saw Robyn’s video on the detox, I got really excited. Everything she said made so much sense. I wanted to try for it—I wasn’t sure if it would work. I thought I have to at least try, and do what she tells me to do, so I know for myself if this is the reason I’m not able to get rid of this extra fat around my midsection.

Well the first 4 days were very hard. But after that, I knew I wanted to keep doing it because I felt such a feeling of accomplishment (seriously, it had been years since I could say no to sugar for more than one day!). And each day did get better. And, crazy thing: I started seeing results in days of just eating right, rather than weeks of working out!! I LOST ALL 10 LBS!

Plus I appreciated the simplest foods I never thought could be so delicious. The first few days were the hardest. I told my husband, “If I didn’t have a buddy, and if I hadn’t paid my money for this, I would quit!”

Getting over the sugar addiction was what made me a crazy woman for a couple days. But after that, addiction was out of my body! I felt like a totally different person! It was a wonderful feeling and I wanted to continue to have it.

The Quick Start Guide and the Manual are amazing! It lays everything out for me—what I need to do, while educating me so much at the same time. Some days when I’d lose sight of my goal and want to cheat, I’d read the email or listen to the video for that day again. Or, I’d get on the forum and see what others had to say about the recipes.
It was SO helpful to have several different resources to turn to and help keep me on track. I loved it so much I am upgrading to lifetime membership!!! Thank you!!

*results may vary

— Nikisha A., Orem, Utah

We love green smoothies at our house.

We love green smoothies at our house. I am a homeschooling mom of four children. Three of my children drink smoothies because they love them, and one child drinks her smoothies because it’s a good health choice. I try to vary the ingredients here and there so that they don’t get bored with them. We drink them first thing in the morning. I also have been known to feed them to neighbor children who then will ask to have more! Also, they are pretty tasty as popsicles: I am sure they lose some nutrition being frozen, but the kids love them!

— Melanie H.

I begin with a green smoothie every morning

I work for a lady that began eating RAW. As I watched her transform I became very interested in what she was doing and remembered how good I used to feel when I was younger and ate and drank more raw. I asked her a lot of questions and began to follow a more healthy raw eating and drinking plan beginning with a green smoothie every morning.

I have two teenage daughters who joined in with me on this path of health. One of them has become very disciplined with her eating habits and loves this way of enjoying our food. She has lost all of her baby fat and her skin has cleared up. She is an athlete and very involved in sports. She said that now that she drinks green she can make it through the class day without falling asleep!

We all feel better and I have stopped taking all allergy meds and asthma inhalers.*

— Heidi Underwood

Life-Enhancing, 10 lbs Lost, and New Way of Thinking about and Interacting with Food!

I absolutely loved the GSG 26-Day detox program! It was well thought out, comprehensive, informative, and practical. I would highly recommend participating in the full-support option because the additional videos, prerecorded talks with experts, and the live Q&A calls were invaluable to my success. I also gained a great deal from the online forum with other GSG Detox participants as questions were answered, inspiration was offered, and practical tips were suggested.
Not only did I lose the 10 lbs that I have talked about wanting to lose for many years, but I have a new-found appreciation for how hard my body works to keep me healthy and have learned a new way of thinking about, and interacting with, food.

This program has been life enhancing for me and I am grateful that I participated. I now feel capable of integrating what I learned into my daily life and the life of my family. Thank you!

*results may vary

— Holly V., Gig Harbor, Washington

I am a totally different person!

Green Smoothies have impacted my life in so many ways. I had gained 65 pounds from my first pregnancy on my “organic” processed-food diet. My self-esteem and confidence was crumbling around me. My energy levels ran on low even though I am only in my twenties. I remember when I was introduced to the concept of green smoothies at a health food store. A lady was handing out free samples. I used to work at a smoothie bar and the thought of adding greens to smoothies had never occurred to me.

It was two years ago when I discovered this amazing drink, and I have had one every day since. People started to comment on how radiant” my skin looked and asked how I was losing weight only 2-3 months after starting green smoothies. Soon, I had to make a printout of recipes and tips to give out to friends and family to make explaining the “Green Smoothie” easier and not as redundant. Not long after that, I started teaching health classes. There are probably more families at my church making smoothies than those that are not. We have all seen a difference in our health. I do not crave salty and sweet things like I used to. I feel like the chains of my cravings were released with the key of smoothies.

I have lost over 40 pounds and gained soaring levels of energy. I have a better outlook on life. I prefer to go for a walk instead of watching TV with a bag of chips by my side. My passion has grown so much for this simple concept that I am working on a website called I want others to feel the freedom that I am experiencing.

In February of ‘09, I had my second son. Thank goodness I can say that I didn’t gain 65 pounds this time around–only 16! I lost all of that on delivery day. Even though I didn’t gain a lot of weight, my 9-pound newborn was not lacking in that area. By 6 weeks post-partum, I was 6 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight! I was not starving myself either. The green smoothies give me so many different nutrients that my body doesn’t crave the junk.

I am so glad that there are people like Robyn out there promoting such a wonderful concept. Because of people like her, I am a totally different person. Thank you!

*results may vary

— DaNae Johnson

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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