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What people are saying

Husband Lost 40LBS and Cured of Multiple Illnesses

I always considered myself a healthy eater and a good cook. I had been on Weight Watchers for 2 years and was almost to my desired weight, so I thought the foods I was preparing for my husband and children were healthy. Our dinner meals consisted of a medium serving of a white meat such as chicken, or lower fat ground beef in some form, a side of fresh or frozen vegetables, and a salad of lettuce and tomatoes with regular dressing and croutons.

However, in 2001, my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He also had asthma, tons of allergies, and high blood pressure. He had suffered from these ailments all of his life and fought colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia every winter. If we had gone ahead with the doctor’s advice to remove the prostate, the operation alone would probably have killed him. Instead, I asked my husband if he was ready to try the “green diet” . When I’d told him about healthy eating before, his reaction was immediate, “That diet would kill me, I’m allergic to all of those vegetables!!” Now, with cancer looming, he said, “Well, if I’m going to die anyway, I might as well die trying something”.

In one month of eating mostly vegetables and drinking a green drink, he lost 40 pounds, stopped using his asthma inhalers, never went back to the doctor for allergy shots, and stopped using almost all of his medications. After a year of many healing illnesses, he is now enjoying the best health he has ever had in his life. The doctor who treated his cancer was very concerned with my husband’s choice to avoid surgery and told him that he would die within 10 years. He recently saw a new specialist in the area where we now live who could find no sign of the cancer and told him to never come back to see him! He said, “There is no proof that diet can cure cancer, but whatever you are doing, keep doing it!” It has been over seven years since the original diagnosis.

I discovered the site while searching for new recipes and ideas for meals. I ordered the 12 Step plan for the recipes. I have found the book be to very informative and wish that I had raised my children in this way. They can see that the way we have been eating has really benefitted us, but prefer to continue to eat in the manner they were raised. We will keep working on them!

We began drinking green smoothies this summer, and now my husband complains if I don’t make time to prepare them! He has still had issues with his blood pressure and has recently noticed that he doesn’t need to take as much medication and is sometimes able to go completely without it. We attribute that to the additional nutrition we are getting from the smoothies. I am slowly trying the recipes in the book.

Last week I made the Chocolate Beet cake (Ch. 11) for a church dinner. It was entered in a dessert competition. Unfortunately, the highly sugared desserts won, but I had one lady who asked for the recipe and was excited to try it. She couldn’t believe it had beets in it! I also made a batch of the candied almonds for my father’s birthday gift. He has always loved dates and nuts, so this was a perfect gift for him! (I couldn’t stop eating them!)

*results may vary

— Christine Workman, Covington, WA

It Reminded Me What It Feels Like to Feel Good All the Time!

I needed this detox to reset my eating habits. This detox was the perfect thing for me to get me back on track and to try new foods and recipes. It reminded me what it feels like to feel good all the time. I ended the detox 5.6 lbs lighter.

My favorite recipe was the lentil soup. I will be adding the soup, the quinoa salad, the millet, the guacamole and chips, and the Hot Pink Breakfast Smoothie to my post-detox diet. Thanks so much for putting this together and making it easy to follow. The shopping lists, the forum, and the “Suggestions for Success” made it so much easier. I also wouldn’t have been able to do it without my “buddies.” I did it with my mom, my sister, and 2 friends.

The best thing about the detox, besides the weight falling off, was that I did not feel guilty about what I was eating. I knew that I was giving my body exactly what it needed. Thank you, Robyn and the GSG team!

*results may vary

— Venessa M., West Haven, Utah

Profound Feelings of Gratitude

My son was in one of Robyn’s university classes last year, and she had the class members over to her home for green smoothies.  He thought it was fabulous and phoned me and wanted me to sign up for 12 Steps to Whole Foods.  We were already not eating soda, caffeine, white flour or sugar, etc.  and made our own salad dressing, ate meat and dairy sparingly, and ate salad and vegetables daily.

We began drinking smoothies immediately, both green (Ch. 1) and hot pink (Ch. 10), and it has been over a year now and we continue to do this on a daily basis.  I always have spinach and vary the greens, such as kale; red, green, or rainbow chard; different types of kale; or collard greens.  I also vary the fruits seasonally.

My husband and I immediately felt as if we had more energy and many days I have a green smoothie for breakfast and a pink smoothie for lunch.

I have passed the information to many friends and family members and was especially interested in the program to help educate our children and grandchildren.  Many are following the program, having purchased blenders and have green smoothies on a daily basis.  As Robyn states, people are healthier, sickness is avoided, meals are easy to prepare, and family members are happy and satisfied.  My friends who have children who are gluten intolerant have really been appreciative of the information that has been passed on to them — they feel that it is very hard to come up with food choices that are satisfying.  Some are college students and one mother said that the smoothies would be such a blessing during this busy time of their lives.

From 12 Steps, I learned about not eating soy — we were drinking soy milk and having tofu occasionally and have eliminated it completely.  I also was unaware of coconut water, coconut oil, and flax oil, which we purchase and store and use daily.  Per Robyn’s blog, I use it as a moisturizer on face and skin.  I also learned about alkaline water and hope to have a system soon.  We were using filtered water but now see the benefit of making more changes. I also learned about kefir and use goat’s milk kefir since cow’s milk is very mucous forming to me.

I like all of the recipes I have tried and have learned that by looking at Robyn’s, I can easily adapt many of my own recipes and make them healthier.

I am impressed and grateful for Robyn’s careful research and study on health matters.  She gives the sources so that we can do further study and continue the learning process and I have read many of the books on her recommended list.  I feel that from her passionate desire to share her information and educate mothers in the proper way to nourish their families, she has gained the confidence and respect of those who hearken to her counsel

The chapter on gardening is wonderful to help us expand our abilities and be self sufficient through home production and storage.  We often have house guests and many take Robyn’s book, The Green Smoothies Diet, as they retire to their room.

I always have requests of “Could we have that for breakfast?”  This weekend a professor is here from a university who will be speaking at a management society meeting and he already has heard of green smoothies and is eager to take it to his wife who only prepares organic foods for her family.  He asked for the website and wants to learn of this new aspect of nutrition.

I cannot end without expressing gratitude.  Many years ago my little brother who was 8 at the time gave me a small calendar with beautiful quotes for Christmas.  One was a Chinese proverb that GRATITUDE has three forms: a feeling in the heart, an expression in words, and a giving in return.

Please know of the profound feelings of gratitude, Robyn, for all that you have done and continue to do, and know that words cannot properly express my gratitude for the gift you have given to so many, and may we extend our gift of friendship, support to you, and prayers as you continue to expand our horizons.

— Jody M.

The GSG detox was easy for me

The GSG detox was easy for me. I liked the food. I had lots of energy and sometimes went for a run twice a day. Having a buddy (my mom) guaranteed my success. I left for college ready to rock it and went to the store and bought groceries for my third detox in a row, when I got here. The recipes are easy to make, I have them all memorized now.

Before (right) & After (left, on Emma’s 21st birthday)

— Libby Pay, Utah

Husband-and-wife Team Down 32 lbs—Loving It!

I highly recommend this Detox! We are pretty clean eaters anyway, but we learned a LOT and are inspired and motivated to clean up even more. We were never hungry the entire 26 days, and only experienced a few cravings, which I’m proud to say we did not cave into!

Improved sleep and energy were apparent in just the first few days. The constant increase of energy was the best part! I lost 11 pounds and 16.25 inches overall. I’m right back to where I feel my best! My husband lost 21 pounds and 29 inches! We are loving it!

Reading the manual before we began was very important. It helped us be organized and aware of what each phase was intended to accomplish. Organization and preparation are essential! We set aside a specific time each evening to read/listen to the GSG daily emails. Every single one offered valuable information. The whole process was extremely educational and worthwhile.
Thanks, Robyn!

*results may vary

— Lori H., Centerville, Ut

Woman After My Own Heart

I am so glad I found Robyn’s 12 Steps to Whole Foods.I was explaining to an out-of-state friend how to make green smoothies over the phone and I thought I would search for a video demonstration on YouTube and I found Robyn. I went to her website and felt like I was reading in print the conversation I just had with my friend!

I find Robyn to be a woman after my own heart. I ordered the 12 Steps while Robyn was developing it and releasing a chapter a month, and I enjoyed each one!

The book is organized, easy to read and I feel the step-by-step approach is so beneficial. In my counseling with people, very few people can jump into a healthy lifestyle all at once. Taking one step at a time is more often lasting and permanent in their lives. It has been a great tool for me to recommend to people wanting to be healthier and wondering where to start. 12 Steps takes a person by their hand and gently guides them into a healthier lifestyle. I would encourage you to change your health step by step.

— NutriMom

We love green smoothies at our house.

We love green smoothies at our house. I am a homeschooling mom of four children. Three of my children drink smoothies because they love them, and one child drinks her smoothies because it’s a good health choice. I try to vary the ingredients here and there so that they don’t get bored with them. We drink them first thing in the morning. I also have been known to feed them to neighbor children who then will ask to have more! Also, they are pretty tasty as popsicles: I am sure they lose some nutrition being frozen, but the kids love them!

— Melanie H.

Healthier, More Energy—and 15 Pounds Lost!

I would like to thank Robyn so very much, (as well as all the support doctors, friends and helpers), for this wonderful detox program you offer. It is very well organized and you made it so easy to follow. I also would like to especially thank my good buddies who helped me to make it through with their love and encouragement. It was also a big help to read the forum of what all the other participants were going through and the response answers that were given.

I started the program at being 40 pounds overweight and I am happy to report that I lost 15 pounds! Because of the cleanse, I feel so much healthier and have much more energy! During the detox, I stopped taking all my vitamins, supplements and my prescription medications for acid reflux and cholesterol. I continued to take my Synthroid since I had my thyroid removed this past February. But I’m happy to report that I had my blood work levels checked in the middle of the detox (2nd week in) and my doctor said he could lower my level of Synthroid, and the cleanse and my weight loss were probably the contributing factors!

This is the jump start I needed to tackle my goal of losing the remaining 25 pounds I need to lose! I plan to continue to use many of your great recipes, your exercise tips, portion control and reading all labels when shopping to make healthy food choices!
Thanks so very much again!

*results may vary

— Cindy D., Voluntown, CT

Symptoms have disappeared all together!

The symptoms I experienced for years are almost too long to list, everything from diabetes to back pain to asthma to an all over deep muscle pain and nerve problems (tingling, burning, numbness, etc.). Most symptoms have disappeared altogether or been significantly reduced. I had used green smoothies off and on for a couple of years, but went heavy on them plus switched to an all raw diet at the end of July last year.

*results may vary

— Anonymous

Eliminated Live Parasites and Lost 6 lbs!

I was really happy to have the Full Support program. I checked in every day with the Full Support program even though I didn’t have a buddy, and it really helped me. First, I did not feel isolated. Second, I enjoyed all that I learned along the way. My friends are now really interested in the next detox. I am gearing up for January 5th!

There were three times during the detox that I wanted to quit. I just pushed through and I am so glad I did! I learned that I can push through! The next day was always so much better.

The first thing I noticed was that my skin felt so much smoother. Other things that I noticed were my teeth and tongue were cleaner. I had less mucus in my nose, throat and eyes. My whole body felt lighter and cleaner. When I finally embraced doing coffee enemas, my first one cleansed out a lot of LIVE PARASITES. Awesome! I lost 6 pounds, which was just about right for me.

*results may vary

— Kathleen W., Cedar City, UT

This is amazing!

My 2 youngest drink green smoothies almost every morning for breakfast. They even share some of it at school and some of the kids have asked for the recipe. Out of my 8 (eight) children they have the nicest skin even though they do eat some junk food out of the home. The others got acne really bad. This is amazing! I just noticed when the youngest was away with his friends for a few days his face started breaking out again. I don’t think this is a coincidence. He asked for green smoothies when he got back.

— Althea

Wedding Ring Now Falls Off—Lost 12 lbs!

I felt well on the Detox and I plan to do it again. I lost 12 lbs. and feel less bloated—my wedding ring falls off! One week post detox, I am still down 10 lbs.
I would recommend the detox to others, and have done so! Recipes can be an acquired taste, as they are bland, so invest in some salt-free, sugar-free natural seasonings before starting. I understand it is a cleanse and you are trying to rest your body. I would also encourage the Phase 2 option. After the first few days I started juicing some of my meals and doing the enemas, which was key to my decrease in chronic headaches I had prior to doing the detox.

I did feel that encouraging a buddy, and vice versa, was the ticket for my success! A couple of the other detoxers were great at answering questions.

*results may vary

— Dedrianne O., Blaine, Minnesota

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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