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What people are saying

Feeling really good!

We are eating whole foods, including green smoothies, and feeling really good! I feel really good because my family is not eating any sugar, MSG, or preservatives.

My children ask before they eat things at relatives’ homes if they have these things in them!

My husband does irrigation work in central WA and so he is out in public every day, we go to town once a week, and so far none of us have gotten sick. I am praying it stays that way!

We really like the Almond Joy Fudge from Ch. 4, and my brother in law, whose wife is against anything I make (won’t eat it), told me he would pay me to make it for him!!

I made the Teriyaki Almonds for a camping trip in October and everyone gobbled them up! Some of them are going in on the Raw Almond group buy with us!

I like to make the whole wheat tortillas (Ch. 6) and fill them with different things like hummus, guacamole, and fresh veggies. For supper last night we had them as enchiladas, with brown rice, olives, salsa (homemade, canned), onions and homemade enchilada sauce. YUM!

We like Mexican food so I have made the Taco Lentils a lot (Ch. 6), which are especially good added to Taco Soup. I am even experimenting with converting sugar and white flour recipes (Ch. 11)–so far so good!

Early on in March we had a going away party for a friend of ours, he is allergic to dairy and so I made the ice cream in Ch. 11—YUM YUM! He really liked it and so did everyone else.

I made the Choc Chip Zucchini cookies for our camping trip and they were yum!

I like to read Robyn’s blog because she does the research for me and I don’t have work as hard to find things out! I still do a ton of research though. I like how it is all comprehensive in one spot. That way I don’t have to remember where I read it and it is easy to find.

I tell everyone about it, especially when they have health issues. Anyone who talks to me very long has heard of green smoothies. And some have tasted them. Anyone who eats at our house eats salad, whole food, and homemade salad dressing.

I have had little red bumps on my upper arms my whole life. Since I have not been eating any dairy they are gone. My husband’s chronic bad breath in the mornings is gone.

I wanted to try lactic fermentations (Ch. 9) next.

Love the dehydrator ideas (Ch. 7) and I am constantly learning new ways to use mine.

I really like the 12 Step blog for support. It’s nice to have somewhere to go and know that everyone eats this way and has the same problems with skeptics. It is great to know that we are not alone. is a great place to ask questions and get answers.

Thank you, thank you!

— Beth W., Washington

I love green smoothies!

Hi my name is Kathy Wells and I love green smoothies. My youngest daughter is 6 and she also loves them now. My oldest is working on them. But I have been able to convert her into eating healthy fruits and veggies. So her smoothies have less green in them but they are getting better.

— Kathy W.

Love the Practical Approach

I have been reading Robyn’s blog for a few months and then attended a class she taught about green smoothies.  It has been just over a month but we are drinking green smoothies daily and I’ve already converted a few friends.  I can’t help but smile as I watch my 5 kids drink their smoothies loaded with veggies and fruits every day.

I bought the 12 Step program shortly after I started my new green smoothie habit.  I had already watched all of the YouTube videos and read everything on I just couldn’t get enough.  I have read so many books and articles on healthy eating and this feels like a breath of fresh air.   I find some of the same things I’ve learned elsewhere but the 12 Steps is much easier and enjoyable to read and follow.

I love the practical approach.  I love that Robyn is sensitive to the time and money constraints that are part of real life.  The 12 Step program is simple, affordable, and doable even for a busy mom with 5 kids.  We are just getting started but I’ve made the Chocolate Beet Cake (Ch. 11) along with several different smoothies and some fabulous salads.  I’m so excited to implement each of these steps throughout the coming year and record the benefits that we experience from each upgrade to our diet.

The 12 Steps program is loaded with information. I bought a freezer and am already planning for my garden next year with all of this new information in mind.  It has really changed the way I look at food and food preparation.

I can’t thank you enough for the time and effort you’ve put into sorting through all of the information available and bringing the most relevant and useful information into one program that can be followed by anyone.  Perhaps the biggest challenge is to take it one step at a time and not get overwhelmed by trying to do it all at once.   Thanks again and keep up the good work.

— Kelleen P

More Energy, Knees Don’t Hurt as Much, Lost 23 lbs—Will Definitely Do It Again!

I have never tried a detox of this magnitude before. I paid for my buddy, as I knew I would not do it without accountability. I was surprised to lose 23 pounds! I was surprised at how easy it was.

There were days I could not even eat all the food in the daily program—and I still lost so much weight! I never felt hungry or deprived, which was amazing. I think part of the answer was doing some spiritual housecleaning before starting.

I heard Robyn speak in person last January in Houston. I bought the whole GSG 12 Step program that night but never opened the box till after finishing the detox. I had never done dry skin brushing. I found a Far infrared sauna about 30 minutes from me; I LOVE the sauna. People keep commenting on how good my skin looks so I think, all things considered, I have come out way ahead of expectations in that area. I do have more energy and my knees don’t hurt as much.

I loved the emails and videos we received every day. I looked forward to them! Robyn has such an easy, non-condescending approach to all this, and I thoroughly wanted to complete it. My husband is a pastor, so we had about 5 meals out with other couples during this time. I did great, as I was not drawn to the food, as I was full and satisfied with the detox food. I will definitely do it again next time.

*results may vary

— Lee Ann P., Magnolia, Texas

Eliminated Live Parasites and Lost 6 lbs!

I was really happy to have the Full Support program. I checked in every day with the Full Support program even though I didn’t have a buddy, and it really helped me. First, I did not feel isolated. Second, I enjoyed all that I learned along the way. My friends are now really interested in the next detox. I am gearing up for January 5th!

There were three times during the detox that I wanted to quit. I just pushed through and I am so glad I did! I learned that I can push through! The next day was always so much better.

The first thing I noticed was that my skin felt so much smoother. Other things that I noticed were my teeth and tongue were cleaner. I had less mucus in my nose, throat and eyes. My whole body felt lighter and cleaner. When I finally embraced doing coffee enemas, my first one cleansed out a lot of LIVE PARASITES. Awesome! I lost 6 pounds, which was just about right for me.

*results may vary

— Kathleen W., Cedar City, UT

From Meat for Every Meal . . . to the GSG Detox! 14 lbs. Lost!

When I signed up for this program, I thought, “I’m never going to be able to do this,” because I was a carnivore, eating meat with every meal—and snacks of jerky and cheese! The first couple of days, I had a slight headache because I was not getting my two cups of coffee each morning! I was also spending more time actually preparing my food than before, but that was good because I was really aware of what I was actually eating.

I liked the daily email I got from Robyn and staying connected on the forum. My husband and young daughter were also very supportive of my participation.
I have more self-esteem and self-confidence from doing this detox. I learned that I can accomplish anything I really want to do—like losing 14 lbs. in 26 days!

*results may vary

— Tammy L., Corrales, New Mexico

Measurable Weight Loss

When Robyn introduced me to green smoothies, I was intrigued by the idea of drinking my greens. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables in my diet, but I was looking for an easy way to double my fiber. I love green smoothies. I don’t just drink a glass or two, but three or four, and then whatever is leftover after my children drink theirs. I feel better. I feel thinner. But, by measurable standards—-the scale, the tape measure—-I am thinner. The combination of green smoothies and lots of water promote weight loss in me. Feeling better about myself, I have a brighter outlook on life, naturally, but I simply have more energy to meet the demands and challenges of my busy days.

— Jill W., Utah

Feel Better

Feel better, have decreased the amount of sugar in the diet due to the smoothies. Like the increase in green veggies. Hate the taste of wheatgrass. Like this manner of getting chlorophyll better.

— Anonymous

Not Going Back to How I Used to Eat Before!

I was a little apprehensive when I received the manual and read through all the foods and the limited food. I told myself it is ONLY 26 days and you have been eating poorly without thought for years. I used to be a vegetarian before I met my husband 12 years ago. Many date nights of letting him pick and following his meat-eating diet, I was miserable. I started following Green Smoothie Girl about a year ago. I have been slowly changing my diet and I wanted a JUMP START.

At the end of the detox I have lost 22 lbs. I will continue on this journey and have bought the 12 Steps book to inform me on more changes. I grew up eating the way Robyn promotes and never had any joint pain or issues sleeping. When I started down the junk-eating route I noticed my sleep was restless and my joints always hurt. I AM NOT GOING BACK! I feel so much lighter, even with just 22 lbs. gone. I have no desire to eat meat or sugar, my main addictions.

To anyone out there thinking they cannot do this, YOU CAN! Thank you again, Robyn, for giving me the KICK IN THE BUTT that I needed.

*results may vary

— Eva F., Longwood, FL

I have been converted to green smoothies!

I have become so converted to green smoothies that I became concerned as to how to continue them in case of disaster or hard economic times when I might be unable to purchase fresh produce. So I started dehydrating the spinach, kale and parsley I grew in my garden this year. I then powdered the dried leaves and now use it during the winter to make my green smoothies.

For the juice base, I use frozen raw apple cider that my husband grinds fresh each fall with his leftover apples (he is a fruit farmer). It is now January and I use the following recipe for my super green smoothies:

I rehydrate in 1 cup hot water the following: 2 tsp. powdered kale + 1/2 tsp. powdered parsley or 2 1/2 tsp. powered spinach. Blend well and let sit for about 10 minutes until cooled. Then add 3 cups apple juice (raw, unpasteurized), 2 frozen bananas, 1 1/2 Tbsp. freshly ground flax seed, and water and ice to the 7-cup mark and thoroughly blend. This is a great option when I cannot get to the grocery store.

— Cindy P., Alpine, UT

I am hooked for life!

I feel a major decrease in cravings for sweets. I have lost some weight, nothing major, but that is not my primary goal. I am a runner and have noticed a difference in my endurance and performance. I feel healthier and cleaner. I am hooked for life and my days aren’t the same when I don’t get my normal 32 ounces! I have got my mom hooked and my toddler. My son calls them mooshies” and begs for them all throughout the day. He would keep one in his hand all day long if I’d let him. I’m excited to continue to drink green smoothies and improve my life as well as my family’s.

— Meghan Meredith

Lost 10 lbs and Found the Simplest Foods Are Delicious—I Feel Like a Totally Different Person!

I am 32-year-old mother of three and have always been very active in sports and enjoy working out: college basketball, Zumba, and more. I was still within my BMI index for my height, but at the high end.

I have a bachelor’s degree in health and fitness and like learning about different aspects of health-related topics. I knew that in order to get better results in losing weight (I wanted to lose about 10 lbs.), I needed to eat better. Just working out alone was obviously not the solution.
I purchased 12 Steps to Whole Foods from GSG about 2.5 years ago (after I had my 3rd baby) and it helped me to lose my baby weight. Then I got out of the habit and couldn’t seem to cut out sugar and chips!

So when I saw Robyn’s video on the detox, I got really excited. Everything she said made so much sense. I wanted to try for it—I wasn’t sure if it would work. I thought I have to at least try, and do what she tells me to do, so I know for myself if this is the reason I’m not able to get rid of this extra fat around my midsection.

Well the first 4 days were very hard. But after that, I knew I wanted to keep doing it because I felt such a feeling of accomplishment (seriously, it had been years since I could say no to sugar for more than one day!). And each day did get better. And, crazy thing: I started seeing results in days of just eating right, rather than weeks of working out!! I LOST ALL 10 LBS!

Plus I appreciated the simplest foods I never thought could be so delicious. The first few days were the hardest. I told my husband, “If I didn’t have a buddy, and if I hadn’t paid my money for this, I would quit!”

Getting over the sugar addiction was what made me a crazy woman for a couple days. But after that, addiction was out of my body! I felt like a totally different person! It was a wonderful feeling and I wanted to continue to have it.

The Quick Start Guide and the Manual are amazing! It lays everything out for me—what I need to do, while educating me so much at the same time. Some days when I’d lose sight of my goal and want to cheat, I’d read the email or listen to the video for that day again. Or, I’d get on the forum and see what others had to say about the recipes.
It was SO helpful to have several different resources to turn to and help keep me on track. I loved it so much I am upgrading to lifetime membership!!! Thank you!!

*results may vary

— Nikisha A., Orem, Utah

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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