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Power Plate

Get The Benefits of Exercise in Under One Hour Per Week!

I have something exciting to share with you, something that gives you the ability to get the physical, mental, and therapeutic BENEFITS of long-term cardio and strength-training workouts –in just 15 minutes, three times a week!

Power Plate FitnessPLUS this technology gives you impressive detoxification and bone health benefits at the same time! I first encountered Whole-Body Vibration Technology when I was researching holistic cancer treatment in clinics all over the world. Every clinic I visited, from the famous Hippocrates Institute in Florida to the renowned Paracelsus clinics in Europe, used VIBRATION TECHNOLOGY therapeutic machines. Every time I tried them, I felt so amazing. So energized! I wondered why, and so of course I went home, and started researching.

I learned that this technology began in Russia as Soviet cosmonaut researchers looked for a way to counteract bone and muscle degeneration in the weightlessness of space. Several decades and hundreds of studies later, Vibration Technology has shown to have applications far beyond the exciting benefits I saw in the medical and therapeutic world. Sports trainers, spas, salons, weight-loss clinics, athletic clubs, assisted-living facilities, and gyms are also using harmonic Vibration Technology for its amazing effects with minimal time commitment.

When harnessed in quality-built, medical-grade machines like POWER PLATE, harmonic Vibration Technology has POWERFUL effects for your muscles, bones, metabolism, immunity, flexibility, circulation, skin, balance, mood, and more!

How Does It Work?

Power Plate Pro5 ControlWhen you stand on the vibrating platform of the Power Plate, it vibrates where you set it at 30 to 50 cycles per second on three planes: side-to-side, up-and-down, and front-to-back. This motion generates systematic involuntary muscle contraction 30 to 50 times PER SECOND throughout your body as it compensates for the plate movement. These actions engage between 40 and 80% of your muscle fibers at once, many times per second (traditional heavy-intensity regular exercise maxes out at 25%). The net result is an incredible improvement in strength, balance, flexibility, circulation, and more, with NO strenuous exercise required, and in a drastically reduced amount of time!

What Are The Benefits?


I know what you’re thinking—can Power Plate replace traditional exercise? Remember that vibration causes rapid muscular firing, up to 50 times per second or 3000 times per minute! Rapid muscle contractions create enormous blood flow, much more than traditional cardiovascular exercise. In fact, 10 minutes of vibration results in similar improvements that take 30 minutes of treadmill running to achieve!

You’re going to NOTICE this immediately. This is a big deal, in a world where we sit at our desks, commute in our cars, and watch TV….most of us live a pretty sedentary life! Since I’m a writer working at home, sometimes for 10-hour days, I love jumping on this machine every couple of hours, just for a few minutes to get ENERGIZED, TOTALLY PUMPED, and ready to get back to work! You’re getting more increase in circulation from just 3 minutes on Power Plate than you’d get from an hour of massage!

Power PlankHamstring MassageLat Rowing

The rapid repetitive contractions occur all the way down to the cellular level, causing a more permeable cellular wall allowing increased uptake of oxygen and nutrients. The result is rapid transport of MUCH HEALTHIER BLOOD throughout the body, giving you energy, reducing pain and soreness, and improving the body’s natural healing process for faster recovery times. Imagine what the increased circulation and energy can do for your LIBIDO and sexual performance, as well!

Detoxification and Immune Health

The lymphatic system is a complex system of ducts and nodes that drains toxins from muscles, while delivering antibodies to help fight disease. But the lymph system doesn’t have a pump, so it relies heavily on muscle activity to move the fluids. So the lymph system can get plugged up, in folks who are sedentary. The high levels of muscle contractions you’ll experience on Power Plate stimulate the lymph to FLUSH those nasties OUT. The result? More energy and LESS SICKNESS!

This is why even a short Power Plate session, either standing or using the special massage cushion, makes me feel lighter, looser, and more relaxed as the stiffness and tightness of my muscles seems to drain away. My lymph system is doing its work!

Strength and Flexibility in Young and Old

Power Plate AthleticsI counted well over 100 Power Plate Athletics including NBA, NFL, and NHL teams who train using Power Plate. Some use it as a strength-and-conditioning machine. Others use it to enhance their warm-up and stretching routine before a training session or a game, and to regenerate muscles afterward.

Vibration amplifies any motion performed on a vibration plate by a factor of several times, meaning squats, lunges, pushups, ab crunches, bicep curls, etc., results in MORE EFFECTIVE WORK being done by your body in a shorter period of time, with MANY TIMES the muscle fiber engagement. This means you can enhance your overall performance in a fraction of the time!

Meanwhile, the vibration plate’s movements help to strengthen the muscles of your hip flexor and core, to stabilize your entire body and strengthen your spine and improve flexibility. There is MUCH LESS STRESS to the joints, reducing the incidence of injury and joint degradation.

Joint protection is one of the reasons why Power Plate is the ideal tool for people who have been sedentary, are quite overweight, or who are older. Painful joints, heart problems, balance issues, and trouble breathing are barriers to conventional exercise, but Power Plate is safe and easy to use.

There is a study I reviewed, where light strength training on the Power Plate with one group of older people was compared to just strength training in another group. The Power Plate group scored 50% better improvement in activities for daily living (standing from a chair, climbing stairs, maintaining balance), over the conventional strength training group!

Bone Density

Broken bones are the leading reason elderly people lose their independence. One of the BEST things about the Power Plate is that it is highly efficient at maintaining bone density to help prevent early onset of osteopenia. That’s because the vibration, along with loaded activities, increases the body’s rapid reflex response and blood flow to the affected areas.

Muscle contractions generated through vibration exert force on the bones, stimulating growth of bone tissue. Combined with stronger muscles and improved balance, the risk of falling is reduced, especially in the elderly. A study on women over 60 showed that those who used vibration technology reported 35% fewer falls and 52% fewer fractures than those who didn’t! And it gets even better. A year later, their muscle performance remained significantly better than the control group, even after stopping using the vibration technology for a full year!

Weight Loss

Power Plate HealthIncreasing the body’s metabolism in conjunction with detoxification is the best method for rapid and sustainable weight loss. Like any other form of exercise, training on the Power Plate raises your metabolism. As your muscles get stronger, they use fuel more efficiently, and as your blood circulation and lymph drainage improves, you’ll have more energy and shed toxins that can impede weight loss. These things encourage your body to burn fat and calories from food faster, resulting in an increased metabolic rate. As your metabolism increases, you’ll BURN MORE FAT, even when you’re not working out!

One of the downsides of getting older is many of us start to get a little thicker—usually around our middles. This type of fat tissue that develops in your abdomen, called visceral fat, is linked to metabolic syndrome, and may increase insulin resistance. Here’s where the Power Plate can work wonders. One study of Power Plate users found they were able to lose TWICE as much belly flab within six months compared to people who did cardiovascular exercise combined with weight training.

What’s more, the Power Plate users KEPT THE FAT OFF over the following 12 months, whereas the people who did vigorous exercise didn’t. Sounds good, right? There’s still more: two other studies showed that people using PowerPlate INSTEAD OF long cardio workouts lost 25% and 32% more cellulite than the people doing the big workouts. That’s probably because cellulite is basically connective tissue, under the skin, trapping toxins and fluids. The vibration allows those toxins to RELEASE, and the increased circulation helps the body FLUSH them out.

Why is the Power Plate so effective for weight loss? Gym style exercises revolve around the concept of using large muscle groups, which are effective for caloric burn, but tend to make the body hungry for the return of the body’s natural energy source, glucose (sugar!). By contrast, vibration training is focused on the use of the body’s fast twitch reflex muscle groups, which receive their energy from fat deposits rather than sugar. The result? QUICKER WEIGHT LOSS because the body does not feel hungry for sugar after a vibration training session.

Hormone Efficiency: Mental Clarity, Better Sleep, Anti-Aging

Using Power-Plate regularly stimulates production of helpful hormones, especially those rejuvenating hormones that tend to decrease with age:

  • Human Growth Hormone, which helps in the repair and regeneration of damaged muscles, bones and other tissues
  • Testosterone, which preserves muscle tissue and provides energy
  • Seratonin, responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being. You’ll feel this in 5 minutes
  • Brain hormones that control memory and regulate sleep

Vibration plate training also reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, so you’ll have more energy to get back to the things you love!

YOU Can Get The Benefits of Vibration Technology in Your Own Home!

Power Plate My7 ControlYou can see why I FELL IN LOVE with this machine, the more I used it in clinics all over the world. I was THRILLED to find Power Plate has quality, medical-grade machines that can be purchased for HOME USE! I ordered the My7, and I love it and highly recommend it for the most benefits for the best price. It only takes up the space of a CHAIR—it’s not like a treadmill that is a serious SPACE commitment.

Like other special tools I’ve found, I wanted to share the good news with my readers, and get them a GREAT DEAL with our negotiated SPECIAL PRICE and FREE GIFTS for GreenSmoothieGirl readers only! Not only is the special pricing better than you’ll find ANYWHERE ELSE, it’s so low we can’t advertise it online. Further, they have arranged a PAYMENT PLAN for GSG readers that they’ll tell you about if you ask.

There are other vibration platforms out there, because the science is so clear on what this can do for people—many companies sell inferior machines with cheap parts that wear out quickly and can’t qualify as a MEDICAL DEVICE. I’ve checked them out, and Power Plate is the absolute best machine for a price you can get NOWHERE ELSE!

Call or Email for GSG Pricing
M-F 8am-5pm PST
Provide code: see codes on each model, below

Get our special price and inquire about a payment plan if desired. As a GreenSmoothieGirl reader you qualify for:

  • SPECIAL PRICING which INCLUDES an accessories package worth up to $286 (see individual models for details)! Your package may include:
    • Hand Straps to intensify upper body workouts
    • Mat Set to further customize the vibration intensity
    • Exercise Poster
    • Dust covers for the column and platform
  • FREE SHIPPING on all machines within 7-14 business days, including White Glove Delivery Service on the my5 and my7— they’ll set up the machine in your home, and take away the packaging. This is up to a $475 value!
  • FREE GIFT: With a purchase of a my5 or a my7, you’ll get my favorite accessory, a SUPPORT CUSHION worth $200! I love this cushion! It lets you get an AMAZING massage by lying on it and just putting your feet on the vibrating plate. I pamper myself every day with it!
  • PAYMENT PLAN available for GSG Readers

Which Power Plate Model is Best for YOU?

Take your health and fitness to the next level! Choose from these great home machines:

Power Plate® my5™

This sleek personal machine features Advanced Vibration with three frequency options between 30 and 40Hz. Includes pre-programmed quick start buttons and remote control operating all exercise positions. High max load makes it easy for anyone at any fitness level to hit their goals!

FREE Accessories Package ($189 value):
Hand Straps (set of 2): $42 value
Rubber Mats (set of 3): $57 value
Remote Control: $45 value
Wall Poster: $45 value
FREE Shipping White Glove Delivery ($400 value, additional shipping charge to AK and HI)

FREE Support Cushion ($200 value)

Call or Email for GSG Pricing
M-F 8am-5pm PST
Provide code: GSGMy5
Purchase online at

Power Plate® my7™

This is the machine I own! The my7 is the most advanced of the personal machines, and features an integrated touch screen computer complete with more than 250 customized programs and more than 1,000 exercise videos and coaching tips!

FREE Accessories Package ($144 value)
Hand Straps (set of 2): $42 value
Rubber Mats (set of 3): $57value
Wall Poster: $45 value
FREE Shipping White Glove Delivery ($475 value, additional shipping charge to AK and HI)

FREE Support Cushion ($200 value)Call or Email for GSG Pricing
M-F 8am-5pm PST
Provide code: GSGMy7

Purchase online at

Power Plate® Personal Power Plate™

New in 2016! This portable model has a low profile for easy storage, at a price you’ll love! You’ll still get all the benefits of patented multidirectional vibration, PrecisionWave technology, multiple settings, accessory attachments, and the convenience of remote control in this new compact model.

FREE Accessories (a $286 value!): Hand Straps (set of 2): $42 value
Soft Carry On Case: $199 value
Remote Control: $45 value
FREE UPS shipping (additional shipping charge for AK and HI):$100 value
 Call or Email for GSG Pricing
M-F 8am-5pm PST
Provide code: GSGPP
Or purchase online at

Shipping Information:

  • Power Plate does not ship outside the US or to PO boxes.
  • States require sales tax collection: CA, AZ, IL.
  • States require sales tax collection plus the value of the freight: TX, GA, FL.
  • Allow 10-14 working days for delivery.


Effect of Long-term Whole Body Vibration Training on Visceral Adipose Tissue: A Premliminary Report. Obesity Facts. The European Journal of Obesity, Vol 3 (2), 2010.

Effects of Whole Body Vibration Training on Postural Control in Older Individuals: a 1 Year Randomized Controlled Trial. Gait & Posture, 2007 Jul 30:26 (2): 309-16. Epub 2006 Oct 30.

Research into the effects of vibration training on cellulite. SANADERM Professional Clinic for Skin Disease and Allergology, May-Nov 2004.

Effect of 6-month Whole Body Vibration Training on Hip Density, Muscle Strength, and Postural Control in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2004 Mar 22:19(3): 352-9. Epub 2003 Dec 22.

The Effect of Whole-Body Vibration on Lower Extremity Skin Blood Flow in Normal Subjects. Medical Science Monitor, Vol 13(2) pp. CR71-76, 20071.

Six Weeks of Whole-Body Vibration Exercise Improves Pain and Fatigue in Women With Fibromyalgia. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Vol 14(8), pp: 975-981, 2008.