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Meet Jill Armijo!

Jill tried using willpower, diets, and exercise for years to lose weight.

Jill Armijo sitting with a coaching client

At the tender age of 50, she was stuck in a wheelchair, unable to stand, with intense joint pain, extra weight, headaches, brain fog, and fatigue—rock-bottom miserable. Jill sought help from a coach who restricted her sugar, including fruit, nuts, beans, and even sweet veggies. She lost weight and bounced out of her wheelchair, feeling a gazillion times better.

Then she went back to her lovely carbs and gained the weight back, along with most of the pain.

In 2016, Jill enrolled in Institute for Integrative Nutrition and learned about bio-individuality. Each of us has different needs, but we ALL need more fruits and veggies, plenty of water, and whole foods that are not processed or full of nasty things our body has to work too hard to eliminate. Our bodies work incredibly well when they’re nourished adequately. But if we deprive them of nutrients, they can’t perform optimally.

Even those with a super clean diet and lifestyle benefit from seasonal cleansing because of modern-day stressors and toxins we can’t always control. Jill has done many cleanses and detoxes and found GreenSmoothiGirl in 2021, thanks to her sister Julie who invited her to go through the pampering with her. It was the yummiest detox she’d ever done!

Many of us set aside time to spring clean our homes, yards, and automobiles, yet we forget our bodies. GreenSmoothieGirl cleanse is a fabulous opportunity to support your body so it can function at its full potential.

Jill’s clients have suffered from allergies, stress, fatigue, headaches, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, weak immune systems, and skin problems. These symptoms are your body’s cries for help! It’s asking for a time to rest, rejuvenate, be deeply nurtured, and be “tuned up.” GreenSmoothieGirl cleanses take less time and energy than dieting, leaving a little extra time and attention to breaking from your routine, but your reward will be a new lease on life!

Jill and her husband, Joe, raised three boys, and she enjoys most being with her family, including two grandchildren. She craves being out in nature, fitness, nutrition, reading, and writing. In 2019, Jill authored the Amazon Best New Release Home of the Unknown Soldier, the story of her family’s struggle and joy in caring for their veteran.

Jill Armijo sitting with a coaching client

At the tender age of 50, she was stuck in a wheelchair, unable to stand, with intense joint pain, extra weight, headaches, brain fog, and fatigue—rock-bottom miserable. Jill sought help from a coach who restricted her sugar, including fruit, nuts, beans, and even sweet veggies. She lost weight and bounced out of her wheelchair, feeling a gazillion times better.

Then she went back to her lovely carbs and gained the weight back, along with most of the pain.

In 2016, Jill enrolled in Institute for Integrative Nutrition and learned about bio-individuality. Each of us has different needs, but we ALL need more fruits and veggies, plenty of water, and whole foods that are not processed or full of nasty things our body has to work too hard to eliminate. Our bodies work incredibly well when they’re nourished adequately. But if we deprive them of nutrients, they can’t perform optimally.

Even those with a super clean diet and lifestyle benefit from seasonal cleansing because of modern-day stressors and toxins we can’t always control. Jill has done many cleanses and detoxes and found GreenSmoothiGirl in 2021, thanks to her sister Julie who invited her to go through the pampering with her. It was the yummiest detox she’d ever done!

Many of us set aside time to spring clean our homes, yards, and automobiles, yet we forget our bodies. GreenSmoothieGirl cleanse is a fabulous opportunity to support your body so it can function at its full potential.

Jill’s clients have suffered from allergies, stress, fatigue, headaches, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, weak immune systems, and skin problems. These symptoms are your body’s cries for help! It’s asking for a time to rest, rejuvenate, be deeply nurtured, and be “tuned up.” GreenSmoothieGirl cleanses take less time and energy than dieting, leaving a little extra time and attention to breaking from your routine, but your reward will be a new lease on life!

Jill and her husband, Joe, raised three boys, and she enjoys most being with her family, including two grandchildren. She craves being out in nature, fitness, nutrition, reading, and writing. In 2019, Jill authored the Amazon Best New Release Home of the Unknown Soldier, the story of her family’s struggle and joy in caring for their veteran.

Jill's Wellness Philosophy

"Abundance isn't an amount. It's a relationship to what you already have." -Geneen Roth

Jill Armijo

Jill's Specialties

Health Coaching Certification from Institute for Integrative Nutrition

PTA (physical therapist assistant)

"Abundance isn't an amount. It's a relationship to what you already have." -Geneen Roth

Jill Armijo

Jill's Specialties

Health Coaching Certification from Institute for Integrative Nutrition

PTA (physical therapist assistant)

Jill Armijo

Book With Jill!

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