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Meet Helen Blair!

In 2012, Helen attended her first Green Smoothie Girl lecture workshop seeking help with the beginning symptoms of menopause and thyroid challenges.

Helen and her family

Her goal was to flow through this “meno” season with grace and excellence but sensed she needed a supportive protocol. Helen volunteered to make the classic green smoothie recipe for this crowd of 200 folks to sample, having never heard of a "green smoothie", much less ever having made a smoothie before!

When Helen first met Robyn in 2012: Wow, what a powerhouse teacher Helen thought Robyn was! The challenge to the audience was to drink a quart of green smoothie a day and it resonated with Helen SO MUCH, that she left that workshop with tons of books in her arms and headed straight to Costco to purchase her first powerful blender! This day officially kicked off Helen's new journey as a green smoothie lovin' Mom and Grammie.

In 2013, just 6 months after meeting Robyn, Helen participated in her first GSG 26 Day Detox, soon after it officially launched. The detox experience totally upgraded Helen's health to a level her family couldn’t “un-notice”, as she literally felt a big drop in inflammatory pain, a HUGE boost of energy, plus she lost an impressive amount of weight. And since that first detox, Helen continues to implement 2 or 3 detoxes a year and has at the time of this writing completed over 30 detoxes to date. She honestly couldn’t imagine doing life otherwise!

As a GSG Health Coach, it is exceptionally meaningful and rewarding for Helen to journey with each of you, provide support for your hopes and goals as you strive for your BEST health. She looks forward to celebrating all of your achieved milestones along the way!

When not online coaching or supporting Robyn and our team, you can likely find Helen gardening, or at her kitchen island with any number of her grand kiddos gathered around, preparing their favorite smoothies and healthy meals! Helen and her husband often drive into the North Carolina and Virginia mountains where they both LOVE to hike the trails, always with a fresh organic picnic in tow. Helen often says, nothing means more to her than being able to "do" her life fully and GSG lifestyle supports her optimal health so she can do all this and more!

Helen and her family


Her goal was to flow through this “meno” season with grace and excellence but sensed she needed a supportive protocol. Helen volunteered to make the classic green smoothie recipe for this crowd of 200 folks to sample, having never heard of a "green smoothie", much less ever having made a smoothie before!

When Helen met Robyn: Wow, what a powerhouse teacher Helen thought Robyn was! Her challenge to drink a quart of green smoothie a day resonated with Helen SO MUCH, that she left that workshop with tons of books in her arms and headed straight to Costco to purchase her first powerful blender! This day officially kicked off Helen's new journey as a green smoothie lovin' Mom and Grammie.

In 2013, just 6 months after meeting Robyn, Helen participated in her first GSG Detox, soon after it officially launched. The cleanse experience totally upgraded Helen's health to a level her family couldn’t “un-notice” She had HUGE ENERGY, lost an impressive amount of weight and now she's committed to completing 2 or 3 detoxes a year. In total, Helen has completed 27 detoxes to date and couldn’t imagine doing life otherwise!

As a GSG Health Coach, it is exceptionally meaningful and rewarding for Helen to journey with each of you, provide support for your hopes and goals as you strive for your BEST health. She looks forward to celebrating all of your achieved milestones along the way!

When not online coaching or supporting Robyn and our team, you can likely find Helen gardening, or at her kitchen island with any number of her grand kiddos gathered around, preparing their favorite smoothies and healthy meals! Helen and her husband often drive into the North Carolina mountains where they both LOVE to hike the trails, always with a fresh organic picnic in tow. Helen often says that she wouldn't feel this good without her GSG lifestyle supporting her optimal health!

Helen's Wellness Philosophy

Coach Helen

Helen's Specialties

Helen has been following and working for Robyn for over 11 years.

Helen has been working closely with the GreenSmoothieGirl team and our detoxers since 2017.

"Optimally, to achieve a healthy life, I believe we need to have a strong faith belief system/creed by which we conduct live, work hard to maintain healthy relationships and eat as close to the pure clean ground as possible to receive our nutrients from the plant sourced foods."

Coach Helen

Helen's Specialties

Helen has been following and working for Robyn for over 11 years.

Helen has been working closely with the GreenSmoothieGirl team and our detoxers since 2017.

Coach Helen

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