Join Robyn’s “Share the Love” Campaign

Support vulnerable mothers & children in Zambia
with your one-time or monthly donation

Robyn will match every dollar you give!

Love works, and it’s the only thing that does.

The phrase above is one of the core values of Mothers Without Borders.

I love this organization. And I love this phrase.

For 2 weeks, from January 29th until February 12th, I’m raising funds for my favorite charity. Watch my video below…

As I Count the Years, It’s Time to Turn Outward—with Love

All I want for my birthday is for YOU to partner with me to give to an incredible cause, Mothers Without Borders—an organization that offers...

“...hope to orphaned and vulnerable children by nurturing and caring for them as if they were our own and giving voice to the power of love.”

Zambia is a place of incredible environmental and cultural beauty, and it has a reputation for political stability and tourist safety in the region.

And yet...thousands of children go hungry every day.

They are forced to scavenge for food in trashcans and alleys, to beg, or to engage in prostitution.

Why I Love Mothers Without Borders

Eleven years ago, I met an amazing human being, Kathy Headlee, when she gave a talk at BYU’s Education Week that captivated my heart.

She told the story about how she first got involved in an international relief effort and realized her calling was to serve women and little ones around the globe.

When I heard her talk, I cried. Kathy was doing great work while being a single mom of four children, at the time.

Kathy’s choices inspired me. Just like me, Kathy had to care for her own children, and at the same time, she was investing her heart in a village all the way across the world.

I love Mothers Without Borders because they do great work effectively and in a budget-conscious way, and they take very, very little as overhead.

Like 5%. That’s a shoestring budget. Most humanitarian organizations spend about 10-12% on overhead and salaries.

Kathy Headlee, founder and CEO of Mothers Without Borders
Kathy Headlee, founder and CEO of Mothers Without Borders

“Love is the single GREATEST healing tool.” —Kathy Headlee

How Mothers Without Borders Shares Love

Feeding the children is only one thing Mothers Without Borders does—their efforts go beyond, to create a lasting impact and fundamental change.

They fill the bellies of vulnerable children so their brains can think. And then they teach them not only how to learn and read and do math, but also how to do life, expand their horizons, and come back home to help their people.

In Zambia, so many children are losing their childhood. They don’t have an opportunity to be children. They don’t get to do something as simple as playing.

Mothers Without Borders is sharing LOVE and giving these kids, and these communities, hope and a new future.


Mothers Without Borders provides free school lunch, using food from the school’s garden and local items, for the 525 children currently attending their school.

The Important Work You’ll Be Supporting

Mothers Without Borders is NOT a relief agency. They go into areas with large orphan populations and look for ways they can train people and support communities in solving their own problems, long-term.

They provide food, housing, and education for children, while also offering adult caregivers literacy and business skills training.


Mothers Without Borders runs the Carol Zulu Primary School,
which currently has 525 students.

In a country where only 60% of 7th-grade test scores are passing, they’ve maintained a 100% pass rate since they opened in 2010.

They also have a Children's Resource Center, where children found in crisis come to live. The center uses an individualized, holistic approach to support each child in a “family”-like setting.

How Your Support Transforms Lives

These stories are not unique. Situations like this are common in Zambia.

With your help, more people like these children can get the help and love they need to rebuild their lives and be positive members of their communities.

*The names of the children have been changed to protect their privacy.

Why Now Is an Important Time to Give

Zambia has had very little rain. In fact, the country is experiencing the worst drought in a century.

People already have very little food to survive. And now, the situation is even worse.

Here’s a video from November and a demonstration of how your money can make a powerful difference for these people.

The Change - Make a Difference Day Aid Results

Simply sharing what you can will bring so much joy to these people, who are more like us than they are different, except that they don’t have food to eat or guaranteed education. This is another core value of Mother Without Borders that I love:

We are more alike than we are different.

I found this to be true during my own humanitarian trip to Zambia, when I saw first-hand the power of love in action.


Robyn in Zambia with Mothers Without Borders.

My Family’s Work with Mothers Without Borders

In the summer of 2017, I sent two of my kids, Emma and Tennyson, to Zambia to help with Mothers Without Borders’ initiatives and participate in Kathy Headlee’s personal-growth classes.

They found the Zambian people to be the most impoverished people they’d ever met, and they also found them to be kind and openhearted.

Photo of standing children smiling in a Mothers Without Boarders facility from "Why I Love Mothers Without Borders, And How We Can Help Them Together" by Green Smoothie Girl

My Emma on our trip to Zambia. You can volunteer with MWB
for an opportunity to help others and grow personally.

Now, This Is About You...

This year, for my birthday, it’s all about YOU.

As Kathy Headlee says, at their core, everyone loves to love.

Can you find the part of you that loves to love? That remembers we all belong to each other. And then, share what you can from that place.

During the next 2 weeks, I’m asking you to give generously. My goal is to raise $100,000.

3 ways you can participate in the “Share the Love” campaign:

1. Give a one-time donation that will be used to support vulnerable women and children right away.

2. Become an ongoing, monthly donor (What Mothers Without Borders needs MOST is ongoing funds, because these kids need to eat every day, and they need ongoing funds to support the systems they have in place that work)

3. Join a volunteer trip to Zambia (or send your kids!) during summer of this year (learn more below)

Examples of how your ONE-TIME donation will help:

  • $20 feeds and educates a Zambian child for two weeks
  • $35 pays for a pair of school shoes
  • $50 supports a child in a crisis center for one month
  • $75 helps a grandmother start a garden to feed the kids in her care
  • $150 buys a bicycle for older children to get to school (MWB runs a primary school; older children must go to other schools)
  • $250 gets a child in crisis off the streets (clothes, medical exam, bed, etc)

How your MONTHLY donations will help:

  • $40 a month. Sponsors kids in school and feeding programs. MWB is seeking 400 monthly sponsors at this level.
  • $100 a month. Sponsors community health workers program supporting more than 250,000 women and children. MWB is seeking 100 monthly sponsors at this level.
  • $250 per month. Sponsors children rescued from trafficking and abuse who live in our children’s resource center. MWB is seeking 52 monthly sponsors at this level.

With your gift today, you’ll be providing children and communities in Zambia with food, education, and, most all, opportunity.

Let’s show Kathy Headlee and Mothers Without Borders what’s possible when the GreenSmoothieGirl community comes together to SHARE THE LOVE.

You Give, I’ll MATCH (until February 12th!)

Until the end of this campaign, I’ll match each dollar you give!

So, giving $20 is really giving $40.

Additionally, I have these prizes for you:

#1 Donor ($10,000 minimum): I’ll fly to you, anywhere in North America, and spend a day with you, doing whatever you want. (But, please be from Hawaii or SoCal. I kid!)*

Donors #2 - #10 (over $250): You get a 45-minute phone consult with me. Let’s talk about whatever is on your mind related to health, wellness, business, you name it.

Donors #11 - #20 (over $250): You get a $50 gift certificate for the GreenSmoothieGirl store!

All Monthly Sponsors: God’s blessings for you who share with those who have nothing—plus a shout-out on the GreenSmoothieGirl blog and Facebook page, expressing my and Mothers Without Borders’ gratitude.

Prizes will be announced after the campaign ends.


P.S. Definitely Donate to My Campaign! But Also… Consider Going to Africa, or Sending Your Kids

You can also join a Humanitarian Trip to Zambia with Mothers Without Borders this summer to help mentor children and serve people of all ages, to experience the culture, and to take part in daily personal growth classes.

Photo of crouching children smiling in a Mothers Without Boarders facility from "Why I Love Mothers Without Borders, And How We Can Help Them Together" by Green Smoothie Girl

My son, Tennyson, in Zambia.

Think about sending your teen or young adult child for a life-changing, humbling perspective outside the 1st-world experience.

Mothers Without Borders has 23 spaces open for volunteers to travel on a 2-week expedition team and help with various projects this summer. Cost is $2,900 plus airfare.

“The soul is healed by being with children."
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Ready to donate?

Your gift today is a powerful statement of your belief in the power of love, and that we are all in this together. Together, we are strong.

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