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Fasting Made Easy Imagine Enjoying Immediate, Stunning Results— Like Dropping 3-5 Pounds of Fat & Reducing Pain & Inflammation—in Only 3 Days!

The new 3-day FLASH FAST from GreenSmoothieGirl is a simple, affordable fasting solution. Gain the benefits of fasting and feel FANTASTIC—without going hungry or disrupting your routine.

You could be wearing your skinny jeans by next weekend!

Free Book Bonus Today! Get Robyn Openshaw’s eye-opening new book, “How To Get the Health Benefits of Fasting—Without Going Hungry” with your first Flash Fast.   

Give Back! For every Flash Fast sale, GreenSmoothieGirl will feed an impoverished child for 3 days through Mothers Without Borders.


Save $10 if you order in the next 20 min!

Retail price: $69.95
Pay only $59.95 for 3 days of Flash Fasting.

Or SAVE 43% by joining our Subscribe & Save plan to Flash Fast more often (every 30, 60, or 90 days) to sustain—and increase!—your results.

*Individual results may vary. 

Want the Proven Benefits of FASTING—
Without Giving Up Food or Going Hungry?

You’ve heard about FASTING. 

Like how it’s a way to lose weight fast. And it is!

But the benefits don’t stop there.


  • Dramatically lowering your disease risk, 
  • Reducing inflammation and LESS PAIN,
  • Better mental clarity and less brain fog,
  • Repairing your digestive health,

Sounds fantastic, right? So, what’s the downside? 

Did you know? Fasting while eating is possible!
Did you know? Fasting while eating is possible!

Is Fasting Right for You?

Vegan protein shake made with raw cacao, banana and almond milk. Copy space.

Fasting means giving up food for some time. 

But you LOVE food. 

And even though you want to be healthy, maybe you can’t imagine NOT eating...or suffering through intense hunger pains.

Maybe you don’t have the time to stop everything, lie around in bed, and drink only water for days on end. 

Maybe you’re worried you’ll feel weak and won’t be able to do much. 

Or that you won’t be able to eat with your family and friends. 

Or stick to your normal routine. 

So maybe fasting isn’t for you? Not true! 


Because it’s possible to enjoy the benefits of fasting—while consuming small amounts of calories and nutrients in a specific way. 

Introducing the GreenSmoothieGirl FLASH FAST: A Surprisingly Simple Way to Gain the Benefits of Fasting in
Only 3 Days—Without Giving Up Food

People have been practicing fasting since ancient times. It’s played a role in all the world’s major religions as a tool for spiritual renewal. 

Fasting for healing became popular in the 19th century when it was advocated by some medical doctors who were part of the Natural Hygiene Movement.

Today, millions of people are fasting for health, longevity, and detoxification to minimize the toxic effects of living in the modern world.

Because, every day, we’re exposed to thousands of harmful chemicals approved for use in our air, our food, and in our water. 

These are cancer-causing, hormone-disrupting, and neurodegenerative chemicals that your body isn’t able to eliminate well.  

That’s one of the reasons why fasting can be so beneficial. It can be a healthy way of detoxing. 

Intermittent fasting, time-restricted eating, and water fasting are all types of fasting that are becoming more known today. Another type is modified fasting.

It tricks your body into thinking you’re fasting.

You still get to consume a specific amount of food and nutrients. And you don’t have to give up eating...or suffer through excessive hunger. 

The FLASH FAST is a modified fast that is Easy, Fun, AND Affordable.

You can get the benefits of fasting in a painless way without going hungry or disrupting your normal life! 

It’s a LOT easier than traditional no-food fasting—when you go without eating anything. And it’s safer, too.  

The proprietary FLASH FAST mini-meals are:

  • Certified organic
  • No refined sugar
  • Raw and plant-based

They're also low carb, moderate protein, and moderate fat—which is what research says works and isn’t easy to achieve on your own. 

But...the FLASH FAST has this nailed!

You'll get 5 of these mini-meals a day, so you'll never go hungry, as you maintain muscle mass and lose inflammation and fat (especially belly fat).1 

Best of all, clinical research shows that when you do several modified fasts in a year, the health gains, such as increased insulin sensitivity,2 are LONG TERM.

A Note from Robyn Openshaw—
Detoxification Expert & Creator of the FLASH FAST

I’m a 25-year researcher in human detoxification. And I’m known as the Green Smoothie Girl because I helped turn “green smoothies” into a household term after discovering their power as a tool for health and healing.

Discovering the power of modified fasting is the SECOND great health-and-wellness discovery of my lifetime—the easiest, scientifically proven, most useful thing I’ve researched and applied since discovering green smoothies 25 years ago.

I developed the Flash Fast because I’m so excited about fasting, and even more so, modified fasting—and what credible research is finding about how it’s helping people live the healthy lives they deserve.

What I’ve discovered about the power of modified fasting is no less than the most important and revolutionary anti-aging and disease-preventing breakthrough I’ve encountered of this century so far.

Study after study—from Johns Hopkins University, the University of Southern California, and more—is showing modified fasting to be the best health preventative there is—on almost countless levels.

Now, let me tell you why I LOVE doing the Flash Fast. (I’ve done 6 of them already this year!)

I’m an experienced faster.

I was raised LDS (Mormon), and I fasted one day every month since I was 8 years old. I’ve also done 4 water fasts in the past few years (for 12 days, 9 days, and 7 days twice), as well as several 20-day juice fasts when I was younger.

I’m so excited about the FLASH FAST because water fasting kicks my butt. I can’t play tennis or work out. I’m grumpy and suffering. And I have no energy.

But with the FLASH FAST, I can do life.

I can work. I sleep normally. I don’t have the weird back/kidney pain that I get with water fasting…I can even go for a run or do hot yoga. And I don’t get insanely hungry.

And I’m totally rocked by how after only 3 days on the Flash Fast, my clothes fit better.

The GreenSmoothieGirl, Robyn Openshaw.
The GreenSmoothieGirl, Robyn Openshaw.

“This was such an easy three days. If you are on the fence, just do it. It’s only three days and your body will thank you.”

— Cammie Suzuki

Carlsbad, CA

Want to Try the FLASH FAST?

You’ll get all the delicious mini-meals you need to do your 3-day Flash Fast. 

PLUS exclusive access to a private, supportive Facebook community—with our well-trained health coaches helping you start getting results immediately. 

Benefits of fasting include:


Improved digestive health (repairing leaky gut)


Increased fat burn, especially abdominal fat


Mental clarity and protection for the brain and nervous system


A boost in immunity and energy


Detoxing (breaking down and releasing viral, bacterial, yeast, fungal, and cancer growths)


Disease prevention, including cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease


Reduced blood pressure and cholesterol


Lowered inflammation and pain


Vibrant health and longevity


And more!


Save $10 if you order in the next 20 min!

Retail price: $69.95
Pay only $59.95 for 3 days of Flash Fasting.

Or SAVE 43% by joining our Subscribe & Save plan to Flash Fast more often (every 30, 60, or 90 days) to sustain—and increase!—your results.

Mothers Without Borders

Give Back! For every Flash Fast sale, GreenSmoothieGirl will feed an impoverished child for 3 days through Mothers Without Borders.

PLUS You’ll get FREE gifts when you’ve completed 10 Flash Fasts on Subscribe & Save to become an Elite Flash Faster.

Free gifts with the purchase of 10 flash fasts

Why You Need to Detox in Today’s World

The FLASH FAST is a healthy way to detoxify. So why do you need to cleanse

Many Western doctors claim you don’t need to focus on detoxification, saying, “That’s what your kidneys and liver are for!” 

Yes, you have organs of elimination. However, consider this... 

Assuming your liver and kidneys and other detoxification organs can handle 80,000 chemicals and vastly more particulate pollution is like saying your Model T should be able to run forever in the 1930’s Dust Bowl—without ever changing the air filter or oil filter

Simply put: we’re living in a toxic soup—with more toxins than ever before—and the modern individual’s organs of elimination cannot keep up. Spiraling disease rates are the consequence.

Doing a FLASH FAST can be an excellent way to cleanse your body, to allow it to reboot, and to focus on cleansing and healing, rather than its daily heavy responsibility to digest large and complex amounts of food. 

Does Fasting Really Work?

Short answer: yes!

Here’s what some of the greatest names in ancient and modern medicine say about fasting: 


Fasting is the greatest remedy, the physician within.” 

— Philippus Paracelsus,

one of the three fathers of Western medicine

“I believe that fasting is the ‘missing link’ in the Western diet.”


— Elson Haas, MD


"Fasting, combined with nutritional competence, removes the most significant causes of disease."

— Joel Fuhrman, MD, Fasting and Eating for Health

8 Proven Benefits of Fasting for Your Health

  • #1

    Clears Your Body of Toxins, Mucous, Yeast, and Bacteria

    We currently live in a toxic soup. To thrive, you need to clear toxins, chemicals, and carcinogens from your body.

    Fasting, or doing a modified fast like the Flash Fast, frees up 65% of the body’s energy from metabolic burden, to focus on “autophagy,” or “self-eating” broken parts—to build them back again with millions of stem cells also created by the fasting process.

  • #2

    Increases Mental Clarity and Energy

    Researchers have found that fasting corresponds with an improvement in mood, an increase in alertness, and a sense of serenity.3

  • #3

    Increases Longevity

    It has been well-known for some 70 years, and backed by studies, that restricting the food intake of rats, mice, hamsters, dogs, fish, and humans extends their life span.4 

    When mice eat 30 to 40% fewer calories, they developed half the tumors and other diseases than mice who ate as normal. 

    New research suggests that fasting could improve longevity in humans, too.5

  • #4

    Enhances the Immune System and Lowers Inflammation

    Multiple studies are showing how the body mobilizes a protective effort while fasting. 

    A 2014 study published in Cell Stem Cell found that fasting causes the immune system to regenerate. Stem cells shift from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal.6 

    A 2019 study published in Cell discovered that, during fasting, T cells, a type of immune cells that produce molecular weapons to kill pathogens and cancers, become supercharged—they are optimized and better able to protect the body.7

    Well-fed mice took around a week to destroy a pathogen. Mice that were undergoing a modified fast cleared the infection in only 2 days. 

    Another 2019 study published in Cell focused on monocytes, white blood cells that directly attack pathogens. During fasting, fewer monocytes circulate in the body, leading to a drop in inflammation.8

  • #5

    Improves Immune Function Against Cancer Cells

    Periodic fasting demonstrates a wide range of beneficial effects that help prevent cancer and increase the effectiveness of current cancer therapies.

    This is according to the clinical research of Valter Longo, PhD, and Sebastian Brandhorst—both researchers from the Longevity Institute at USC.9

  • #6

    Improves Markers Associated with Heart Disease

    When researchers asked 71 participants to complete 3 cycles of a modified fast, the results were remarkable.

    In addition to weight loss, subjects reduced their blood pressure, total cholesterol, and C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation.10

  • #7

    Improves Markers Associated with Diabetes

    Several studies suggest that periods of fasting improve insulin sensitivity, decreasing the risk of developing diabetes.

    A 2017 study revealed that a 4-day diet mimicking fasting triggered changes in mice that led to pancreatic β cell regeneration and the return of insulin secretion—changes that correspond to the reversal of type 2 diabetes.11

    Another remarkable study showed the regeneration of insulin-producing beta cells, as well as the reversal of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes symptoms.

  • #8

    Improves Markers Associated with Neurological Health, Including Multiple Sclerosis

    One study led by Dr. Longo showed the reduction or elimination of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, as well as the regeneration of the damaged myelin sheath in the spinal cords of patients with neurodegenerative disease.12

    This is incredibly exciting because nothing in modern medicine has been successful at reversing neurodegenerative disease or rebuilding the nervous system—until modified fasting was studied.

  • And you can get even MORE BENEFITS from fasting… 

    Dive deep into the incredible, scientifically proven reasons to fast in Robyn Openshaw’s new book, which you’ll get FREE when you order your FLASH FAST today.  

Want to Try the FLASH FAST?


All the delicious mini-meal you need in convenient packaging.


Access to a private, supportive Facebook community with trained health coaches.


Enjoy benefits of fasting, such as improved digestive health, mental clarity, a boost in immunity and energy, disease prevention, detoxing, vibrant health and longevity, and more!


Start getting results immediately.


Save $10 if you order in the next 20 min!

Retail price: $69.95
Pay only $59.95 for 3 days of Flash Fasting.

Or SAVE 43% by joining our Subscribe & Save plan to Flash Fast more often (every 30, 60, or 90 days) to sustain—and increase!—your results.

Mothers Without Borders

Give Back! For every Flash Fast sale, GreenSmoothieGirl will feed an impoverished child for 3 days through Mothers Without Borders.

PLUS You’ll get FREE gifts when you’ve completed 10 Flash Fasts on Subscribe & Save to become an Elite Flash Faster.

Free gifts with the purchase of 10 flash fasts

Results from Our Early Tests

Here’s what our beta testers achieved in only 3 days*:



All participants lost between

2 to 7 pounds





of participants reported less inflammation







*Individual results may vary. 

The Flash Fast Is for You If...

  • You want to try fasting, but you want it to be EASY, SAFE, and EFFECTIVE—and you don’t want to go hungry.

    With this program, you’ll get all the delicious, plant-based food you need to eat for 3 days. (You can add optional fruits and veggies in specific amounts if you want.)

  • You want to LOSE WEIGHT quickly.

    Weight loss is a natural byproduct of going a length of time with a very reduced amount of specific, high-quality, food. And most people who do the Flash Fast report losing weight. In the process of autophagy, which is activated by fasting and modified fasting, the body targets abdominal fat13.

  • You’re ready to TAKE CONTROL of your health.

    You’ve listened to your body, and you feel doing a 3-day modified fast is an excellent step towards minimizing your risk of many diseases. By taking proactive action to improve your health, you’re taking steps to prevent health challenges before they occur.

  • You want to GET BACK ON TRACK eating healthy.

    If you want to start making healthy changes, this Flash Fast could be just what you need to inspire and motivate you.

  • You want to LIVE YOUR NORMAL LIFE while you fast.

    With the Flash Fast, you’ll have energy and you won’t be hungry—plus your meals will be decided for you—so you can do everything you need to do without worry.

  • You want to FEEL RENEWED and FANTASTIC and know you’re doing something PREVENTATIVE and IMPORTANT for your health.

What You Get with Your FLASH FAST

Everything you need for a successful modified fast.

You’ll get 15 mini-meals shipped to you—5 each day for 3 days—of our delicious, organic, whole-food, plant-based protein shakes, bars, and sprouted seeds.

Access to a private Flash Fast community—

to support you and get answers to your questions—with knowledgeable and friendly health coaches who will help you when you need them.

Exclusive tips and tricks for how to maximize the benefits of modified fasting—

—without feeling hungry.

An opportunity to give back.

For every Flash Fast sale, GreenSmoothieGirl will feed an impoverished child for 3 days through Mothers Without Borders.

A FREE book bonus.

Get Robyn Openshaw’s mind-blowing new book, How To Get the Health Benefits of Fasting—Without Going Hungry with your first order today.



Vanilla Kiss Superfood Protein

Ingredients: Organic Plant Protein Blend (*Pea Protein, *Hemp Protein), Organic Superfood Blend (*Quinoa Powder, *Cocoa Powder, *Milled Chia Seeds, *Flaxseed Meal, *Cocoa Powder, *Fruit and Vegetable Blend (*Carrot, *Beet, *Spinach, *Tomato, *Broccoli, *Orange, *Apple, *Shiitake Mushroom, *Cherry, *Cranberry, *Blueberry, *Strawberry) *Tapioca Fiber, Valinna Flavor, *French Vanilla Flavor, *Stevia, Vitamin Blend (Vitamin C, Niacin, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12)

Chocolate Superfood Protein

Ingredients: Organic Plant Protein Blend (*Pea Protein, *Hemp Protein), Organic Superfood Blend (*Quinoa Powder, *Cocoa Powder, *Milled Chia Seeds, *Flaxseed Meal, *Cocoa Powder, *Fruit and Vegetable Blend (*Carrot, *Beet, *Spinach, *Tomato, *Broccoli, *Orange, *Apple, *Shiitake Mushroom, *Cherry, *Cranberry, *Blueberry, *Strawberry) Vanilla Flavor, Chocolate Flavor, *Stevia, Vitamin Blend (Vitamin C, Niacin, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12)

Sprouted Flax Seed

Ingredients: Organic ground sprouted flaxseed

Green Smoothie BlendBar

Ingredients: Dried Fruit Blend (*Dates, *Bananas [with *Rice Flour], *Raisins), *Cashews, *Tapioca Syrup, Fruit and Vegetable Blend (*Carrot Juice Powder, *Spinach Leaf, *Broccoli Sprout Powder, *Kale, *Acerola Powder [with *Tapioca Maltodextrin]), *Rice Protein, *Vanilla Extract, Sea Salt.

ALLERGENS: Contains Tree Nuts (Cashew).

Manufactured on equipment that also processes peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, egg and milk.

Pink Smoothie BlendBar

INGREDIENTS: Dried Fruit Blend (*Dates, *Cranberries [with *Apple Juice Concentrate], *Goji Berries), *Cashews, *Tapioca Syrup, Fruit Blend (*Raspberries, *Acai Fruit, *Acerola Powder [with *Tapioca Maltodextrin]), *Rice Protein, *Natural Flavors, Citric Acid.

ALLERGENS: Contains Tree Nuts (Cashew).

Manufactured on equipment that also processes peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, egg and milk.

People Are Experiencing Success & Getting RESULTS!


Easy to Follow & Delicious 

The FLASH FAST is easy to follow and delicious. I had wanted to do a fast for several years but was afraid that I would be too hungry or I would not be able to follow the fast. This fast was so easy and my fears of doing a fast are gone.

Lara S.

Montgomery, TX

Clean Your Insides

“HIGHLY RECOMMEND: Fasting is a way of cleaning house. If you take the time to shower daily, it only makes sense that you gotta take the time to clean the inside, too. It's a small inconvenience for the benefits you get.” 

Kay Grott

Fairview, TN

Continue Your Daily Routine with Ease

“This is much easier! It allows you to continue your daily routine with ease as compared to doing a water fast. Something that I could actually stick with!”

Annie S.

Atlanta, GA

Lose Weight & Feel Great 

“All the shakes and the bars kept me focused on what I had to have that I didn't notice what I was not having. The program was easy to follow and the individual packets were convenient, especially when I was on the go

The shakes were as simple or as creative as I wanted to make them and the flavor was outstanding. They were filling and nutritious and I never felt hungry and had plenty of energy. The bars were my special treat, they were delicious and they got me through any rough spots. Robyn's team answered my questions quickly and thoroughly and were very supportive. I lost 4 lbs. and I feel great.”

Carol C.

Rochester, NY

Enjoy Instant Results 

“I enjoyed doing the Flash Fast. The information and online support (facebook group) was very motivational. I also enjoyed learning the science behind it all. 

I instantly began to notice changes in my body, reduced inflammation, weight loss, and I became more mindful when I ate and how I felt after eating such healthy meals. Because of the instant results, I plan to do this fast monthly. I love the way I feel mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.”

Terri R.

Henefer, UT

Enjoy A Flatter Belly

“4.6 lbs down and definite detoxing. 

I love how much flatter my belly is, and not just for looks. Belly fat is not healthy and hard to get rid of.”

Amy H.

Black Diamond, Alberta

Gain A Sense of Well-Being 

“This was an easy, fast, and inexpensive fast for me. Plus I lost some belly fat! 

The first day I felt positively euphoric and had high energy. In addition to my 30-minute walk I did about 30 minutes of strength training and enjoyed it. I had a sense of well-being throughout the fast and that feeling has lasted, now several days since I finished the fast. Anxiety has always been a problem for me and that has greatly improved.

I haven't gained back ANY of the weight I lost. It feels great to know that I did something to help me stay healthy.

Beverly S.


Experience Incredible Healing

“I didn't hesitate a minute when I heard about the 3-day Flash Fast. I have wanted to do a fast and got bogged down in all the research. The Flash Fast gave me the information and structure I was looking for to be successful

My purpose for doing the fast was to continue to heal my gut and body overall. In 3 days, I lost 3.5 lbs and 3.25 inches! I found my sleep to be more regular and restful—and I am dreaming and remembering my dreams. I felt clear-headed each day, crisp and fresh is what comes to mind. I worked in my garden each day and did my daily yoga—and still had energy for more. And the inflammation in my stomach is greatly reduced.”

Kim P.

Ridgeway, VA

Feel Better & Keep Your Sanity 

The Flash Fast is an excellent way to do something healthy for your body, that’s easy, and makes an impact either with weight loss and/or feeling better. Where else can you do all those things, and still keep your sanity?”

Sheree D.

Cary, NC

Eliminate Sugar Cravings

I loved it. It was very easy!  Also, before I started the flash fast I was having very strong sugar cravings. Now, I have none. For me, that is huge!”

Elana G.

Lake Los Angeles, CA

Become a More Mindful Eater 

I liked the immediate results; weight loss, reduced inflammation, and I became a more mindful eater.”

Terri R.

Hennefer, UT

Keep Your Body & Mind Healthy

“Well researched, easy, and delicious way to get and keep your body and mind healthy.”

Kristen A.

Hennefer, UT

Kickstart A Detox or Cleanse

“Flash Fast is an easy way to kickstart a detox or a cleanse without ‘starving’ and get your mind in the game!” 

Treva S.

Anaheim, CA

*Individual results may vary. 

Want to Try the FLASH FAST?


All the delicious mini-meal you need in convenient packaging.


Access to a private, supportive Facebook community with trained health coaches.


Enjoy benefits of fasting, such as improved digestive health, mental clarity, a boost in immunity and energy, disease prevention, detoxing, vibrant health and longevity, and more!


Start getting results immediately.


Save $10 if you order in the next 20 min!

Retail price: $69.95
Pay only $59.95 for 3 days of Flash Fasting.

Or SAVE 43% by joining our Subscribe & Save plan to Flash Fast more often (every 30, 60, or 90 days) to sustain—and increase!—your results.

Mothers Without Borders

Give Back! For every Flash Fast sale, GreenSmoothieGirl will feed an impoverished child for 3 days through Mothers Without Borders.

PLUS You’ll get FREE gifts when you’ve completed 10 Flash Fasts on Subscribe & Save to become an Elite Flash Faster.

Free gifts with the purchase of 10 flash fasts

Frequently Asked Questions

Fasting generally means going without food. The Flash Fast is a modified fast, following what the published research shows you can eat and still achieve weight loss, disease prevention, and symptom reversal benefits. 

Many programs claim to be “detoxes,” but the legitimate ones leverage scientific knowledge about the organs and systems of elimination, to draw out chemical and physical toxins to purify the body. Fasting and the Flash Fast modified fast have strong detoxification benefits as well.

 Yes, you can add cooked or raw vegetables to your daily diet. (You may wish to amplify your protein shakes with a handful of greens.)

 If you are underweight, you are still likely to lose a pound (or 2 or 3), when you eat only 650 to 800 calories per day, for 3 days. However, there are gut-healing benefits, and people who are underweight no matter what they eat have significant gut dysbiosis. So, they tend, through fasting, modified fasting, or a quality detox, to do some important gut healing, and get to a healthy weight afterward.

Stage IV cancer patients in cachexia or patients who are severely underweight should not do the FF. Pregnant women and mothers who are exclusively breastfeeding, or where breast milk is the primary source of calories, should not do any form of fasting. 

If you are medically fragile, have liver or kidney diseases, have an eating disorder, take medications, especially insulin for diabetes or hypertensive drugs, or if you are over 70, please consult your trusted physician before undertaking any major change in diet.

There’s Literally NO RISK for You

GreenSmoothieGirl wants to guarantee you’ll be happy with your purchase. If you change your mind, simply return the product to us within 30 days for a full refund.

Make A Difference with Your Purchase

For each Flash Fast sale, GreenSmoothieGirl will feed an impoverished child in Zambia, Africa for 3 days through Mothers Without Borders

This organization does incredible work, takes very little as overhead, and we love supporting their mission...with your help.

By doing a Flash Fast, you’re literally feeding a child in Africa!

P.S. It’s Only 3 Days—Don’t Miss Out on This New Way to Fast for a Limited-Time, Deeply Discounted Rate!

Pretty soon, people are going to be talking about modified fasting. 

Now is an excellent time to do a modified fast— and to get some incredible benefits right away— in an easy, fun, and affordable way with the FLASH FAST.

Want to Try the FLASH FAST?


All the delicious mini-meal you need in convenient packaging.


Access to a private, supportive Facebook community with trained health coaches.


Enjoy benefits of fasting, such as improved digestive health, mental clarity, a boost in immunity and energy, disease prevention, detoxing, vibrant health and longevity, and more!


Start getting results immediately.


Save $10 if you order in the next 20 min!

Retail price: $69.95
Pay only $59.95 for 3 days of Flash Fasting.

Or SAVE 43% by joining our Subscribe & Save plan to Flash Fast more often (every 30, 60, or 90 days) to sustain—and increase!—your results.

Mothers Without Borders

Give Back! For every Flash Fast sale, GreenSmoothieGirl will feed an impoverished child for 3 days through Mothers Without Borders.

PLUS You’ll get FREE gifts when you’ve completed 10 Flash Fasts on Subscribe & Save to become an Elite Flash Faster.

Free gifts with the purchase of 10 flash fasts

“Try it, you'll be amazed at how good you feel.”

— Roberta Gigear

Nolensville, TN


The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition.

The GreenSmoothieGirl name and logo are registered trademarks of, Inc.
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