
Hey there! Ready to clean up EMF (or “electrosmog”) in your environment?

Eliminating chaotic, radioactive frequencies is critical to achieving better sleep, improved mood, and more energy!

(And we need to minimize EMF, to lower our cancer and autoimmune disease risk.)

I’ve grouped the best ways to clean up EMF in your home, into TOP-PRIORITY actions, and SECOND-PRIORITY actions, below, based on the level of the threat in most home environments.

Finally, in this action plan, I share some tips to travel with lower radiation exposure.

9 Top Priority EMF-Minimizers

Harmoni Pendant

#1 easiest, most important thing!

Get your Harmoni pendant (currently up to 50% off!). Simply wear it for EMF protection. Bring balance and harmony to your body! 

A clinical trial found some seriously impressive results: wearing the Harmoni pendant for only 5-10 minutes reduced stress by 700%, increased energy by 530%, and improved overall markers of health by 138%!

2. Purchase a $170 Trifield Meter, and test for “hot spots” in your home and office. In seconds, you’ll know if levels are safe, moderate, or dangerous--in your office, bedroom, near appliances, meters (like from the electric company), lightbulbs, etc.

3. Purchase a $130 Greenwave meter, for testing dirty electricity bleeding from outlets in your home and office. Any outlet registering over 50, when the meter is plugged in, is creating a high-EMF situation and needs a filter.

4. Plug a Greenwave filter into every electrical outlet measuring over 50. (We like this company’s discounted packs of filters, AND we like that you can plug an appliance into the filter, so you still have access to electricity! The average home needs about 20 filters.)

Note: the same company, Greenwave, makes the meter, and the filters, to deal with your home’s or office’s dirty electricity.

5. Certain lightbulbs (CFL’s, the swirly bulbs that contain mercury) put out lots of EMF and emit 70% of their mercury into environment within first 3 days after installing.

Replace with Incandescent bulbs (around $45 for a 24-pack) instead. LED bulbs (around $20 for an 8-pack) are the second-best option, but test them with your Trifield Meter, because some brands are better than others.

6. If you can’t have your cell phone off, put it on Airplane Mode, or put it 8 or more feet away from you.

7. Blue light at night confuses the pineal gland and affects melatonin production, making it hard to fall asleep. (Plus, low melatonin production is highly linked to cancer risk.)

So your brain thinks it’s still day time, if you are exposing yourself to blue light. So, shut off your TV after dark, or use glasses to filter blue and green light.

Our pick is Sleep Savior glasses, for day (when you're using your computer, phone, and tablets) and night (before bed). 

Other options: Go to Settings in your phone and use Night Shade, which filters blue light.

Another option for both your PC and mobile device: try f.lux (it’s a free download). It makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night, and like sunlight during the day.

8. Ground yourself often, by standing barefoot or lying down on Earth (grass or dirt). This discharges extra electrons and protons, and you pick up others needed to mop up free radicals. This helps you be restored to your optimal vibrational frequency. This is especially important after air travel.

A bottle of GreenSmoothieGirl's Ultimate Minerals supplement.

9. Take GreenSmoothieGirl Ultimate Minerals every morning and night to mop up free radicals and protect against cell damage, as radiation-protecting iodine and all minerals are represented.

You can get $5 off by using the coupon code FIVEOFF during checkout!

I double my twice-daily use of Ultimate Minerals when I travel by air, as protection against the significantly increased radioactive exposure both going through Security, and on airplanes.

Every metabolic and catabolic process in the body draws on minerals anyway, and this supplement supplies all 90+ minerals and trace minerals that most people are deficient in--in the most bioavailable form there is.

Second-Priority Solutions

When you’ve got those top-priority fixes in place, these ideas will reduce your exposure to chaotic frequencies even more!

10. Dimmer switches emit a lot of dirty electricity when they are set on low. Avoid dimmer switches, or keep them on high.

11. Find out if you have a SMART Meter installed by the power company, and if so, get a guard. This one gets the best reviews on Amazon and is priced reasonably at about $130.

These typically slip right over the meter itself, and help block the radiation emitted by the unit. In addition, it is often necessary to shield the interior wall behind the SMART meter with shielding paint, fabric, or another material.

Note: It is important to use a meter to measure radiation levels before and after installing SMART meter guards and other shielding materials. This will help ensure that you’ve installed the materials correctly, that they are working, and that there are no unintended consequences.

If you have an analog meter, you don’t have a problem. You may be able to get your electric company to come remove a SMART Meter and replace it with an analog, by telling them you have health problems from it. (You may have to pay extra.)

We have known people to get a notarized letter from their functional medicine doctor saying they cannot be exposed to a SMART meter. Not only did they get the meter removed from their house, but they also got the installation and extra $30-$50/month manual metering fee waived!

12. Wi-Fi disorganizes photons in your body so your cells aren’t communicating properly. Short exposure may be necessary, but constant exposure puts you at high risk.

So put a timer on your Wi-Fi modem, keep it turned off, on kids’ phones, and increase your data plan so you rarely need it. (T Mobile has inexpensive unlimited data plans.)

Fun fact: Bees will leave a hive if you bring Wi-Fi near it!

13. Wear leather-soled shoes when possible, or try “Earth Runners.”

Earth Runners are grounded, minimalist sandals inspired by the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico. These types of shoe soles “ground” you because EMF passes through the shoes into the ground. (Rubber blocks electrical grounding.)

14. Get grounding pads or sheets for your bed, which helps put your chaotic frequencies into the ground, where they belong. (Make sure you filter your electrical outlets first! See #5 above.)

15. Shield your important devices. I recommend SafeSleeve technology, because it's tested in an FCC-approved, independent lab to block over 99% of FR radiation and 92% of ELF radiation. You can get protection for your smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Important Notes

EMF’s are much more harmful to children than adults!

So be sure to test with your EMF meter in children’s bedrooms and classrooms.

Turn Wi-Fi off (only airplane mode), and replace their CFL bulbs with incandescent bulbs.

If you are already dealing with a health issue—heavy metal toxic overload, or viral infection, or recovering from cancer, for instance—EMF overexposure can intensify and amplify other illnesses because the immune system is weakened.


Traveling Tips

Tip 1: You are exposed to more radiation while you fly in the daytime, less when you fly at night.

Iodine protects from EMF’s really well, and antioxidants in general are great for that.

So take GreenSmoothieGirl Ultimate Minerals when you travel, a double dose morning and night. It is concentrated fulvic and humic acids from the Earth, the full spectrum of all 90 minerals and trace minerals (including iodine) from ancient plant deposits, in their most bioavailable form.

Tip 2: Opt out of the scanners at the airport.

TSA does not want a baby going anywhere near the scanner. So why do they tell you that you are safe? (They told us x-ray machines were safe, too, and we now know that’s not true.)

New published research shows that the radiofrequency output of the TSA scanners is significant. And it’s the cumulative effect that is the problem, not the single exposure.

So, tell the TSA agent you want to opt out--and they’ll give you a quick pat-down instead.

Tip 3: When you’re flying, take your shoes off in your seat, if you have rubber soled shoes. Then you will discharge EMF onto the floor. After you travel, when you get to your hotel, lie down or walk on the grass or dirt barefoot for 5 minutes, to discharge!

Harmoni pendants are available to you for up to 50% off, for a short time only!

Beautiful, functional, proven, wearable EMF-protection device that will give you peace of mind and EMF protection, for an affordable cost. 

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