Most “cleanses” and “detoxes” out there DON’T work.
What makes the GreenSmoothieGirl Detox different?
It’s tested (20,000 people!) and proven to work (we hear hundreds of uplifting stories every time we do it).
Most importantly, it’s based on the science of HOW human detoxification actually works.
The thing is:
So many are unwell and want to avoid traditional medicine. People are just not seeing results with the treatments they're trying.
Basically, doing a dedicated, comprehensive detoxification program is more important than ever!
Yes, for everyone. Even if you eat and live healthy. Because our bodies were NOT built to deal with the insane amount of harmful chemicals we breathe, ingest, encounter, and put in our bodies. They need help!
I’m Robyn Openshaw, the GreenSmoothieGirl. And I’ve studied human detoxification, all over the world, from the top holistic doctors, for 29 years — for a total of 10,000+ hours.
I created this comprehensive detox, bringing together the “best of the best” protocols that actually work. Because I was injured by a pharmaceutical product, and I needed to get well, as a young mom.
So if you want to give your body the healing it desperately needs … and to see unbelievable results…
It’s time to give your body the rest and repair it deserves!
The Signature GreenSmoothieGirl Detox is a 26-day journey towards the health you want.
This Detox is far superior to most "detox" programs out there. It changes lives.
Robyn incorporates the nutrition, cleansing, and healing protocols of Dr. Max Gerson, Dr. Bernard Jensen, Dr. Richard N. Anderson, Dr. Ann Wigmore, Andreas Moritz, Dr. Gabriel Cousins, and even Hippocrates.
Each of these pioneers was (or is) a physician who focused on the power of plant “food as medicine” rather than toxic, drug-oriented treatments that leave a patient weakened and dependent, with the health issues unresolved.
They had phenomenal track records of success for many years in helping people restore their health while doing no harm.
“I absolutely loved the GSG 26-Day detox program! It was well-thought-out, comprehensive, informative, and practical.
I would highly recommend participating in the FULL-SUPPORT option because the additional videos, pre-recorded talks with experts, and the live Q&A calls were invaluable to my success.”
— Holly V., Gig Harbor, Washington
"After detoxing, I lost 10 pounds in 30 days.
Inflammation is disappearing, glands have shrunk, no headaches, no joint pain, no blurry vision, no cravings, more energy...68 yrs old and loving it."
—Holly Houston Robbins
Toxic sludge has built up in your digestive tract, and chemicals have accumulated in your liver, kidneys, skin, and lymphatic system. Your blood is circulating toxic fragments round and round.
Yes, you have detox organs. But, they’re OVERWHELMED by hundreds of times more toxins than only a few decades ago.
And it’s not just food. It’s the air we breathe, the water we drink, the pharmaceutical residues, the stress we deal with, every day. And more. And there are the synthetic, man-made toxins your body doesn’t know how to handle.
What If There’s A Way Out?
The GreenSmoothieGirl Detox is 26 days of the most productive rest-and-repair you’ve likely given your body in an entire lifetime.
And, we only support a big detox ONCE per year, in January.
Take the journey, and you’ll receive detailed instructions (videos, a how-to manual, and a quick start guide). You’ll get support from experts and other Detoxers.
You’ll get recipes that taste good, and you can eat as much as you want!
Best of all, after doing the complete program to identify food sensitivities and do deep work, Lifetime Support members are given an 11-day condensed version to do twice a year. Keep the gains coming!
This program is based on good science and extensive research on safe, effective detoxification.
Right now, we’re offering a HUGE BONUS PACKAGE for Lifetime Membership because we want you to join us for an exciting health journey together! (And we know you’re going to want to do it again, after you see your incredible results.)
Sheryl told us:
“A lady is telling me all about your 26 day cleanse. This is her third time doing it over the years, and she’s telling me all about the people she’s introduced to it.
She told me her husband needed surgery — doctors wanted to fuse his foot and ankle together because his joints were jacked up with inflammation. He could hardly walk for two and a half years. After doing your cleanse — he could walk!!!! Just met him tonight, he’s walking all over the place. You’ve changed people’s lives.”
Imagine feeling better and looking better than you have in 20 years!
With the GreenSmoothieGirl 26-Day Detox, people just like you experience INCREDIBLE RESULTS!
Here’s why this program is so much better:
Yes, I know, 26 days seems like a LOT. But when you really look at how true detoxification works in the human body, it’s necessary.
People always say to me… Why can’t you make your Detox 10 days? Or a week?
Well, because it takes a bit of time to, layer by layer, detoxify the GI tract, the liver, the kidneys, the skin. Resulting in clean blood and good overall health.
It takes the time it takes. And it takes a while.
And when you really give your body the love and attention and care it deserves, it does miraculous things for you. Your body thrives in the alkaline, oxygenating, nutrient-dense, high-fiber, throughput-enhanced program we’d love to support you in.
Otherwise, you’re probably going to have symptoms. If not today, then later.
1. Our organic, Sprouted Ground Flax Seed (to optimize your results, with lots of Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber)
2. Our plant-based Superfood Protein Meal in Natural Flavor. Plant protein is much easier for your body to digest, allowing it to spend more time detoxifying. This high-quality, clean protein powder will help you stay full and energized during the Detox.
3. Ultimate Minerals: a highly effective detoxifier, 80+ minerals for excellent results
4. PreZyme Pro: plant-based 3-in-1 digestive support with 15 probiotics, organic prebiotic, and 6 enzymes
5. $50 off coupon for a Systemic Formulas Pathogen Purge or Parasite Purge (optional supplement package).
You may struggle a couple of times, but just know you WILL feel amazing after you follow the detox to the end. I'm now hitting all new fitness goals and lost 25 permanent, non-water pounds and counting. Totally changed my diet and the way I think about food.
-Josh Willet, KA
The GSG detox was easy for me. I liked the food. I had lots of energy and sometimes went for a run twice a day. Having a buddy (my mom) guaranteed my success. I left for college ready to rock it and went to the store and bought groceries for my third detox in a row, when I got here. The recipes are easy to make, I have them all memorized now.
-Libby Pay, UT
*The after picture was taken on her 21st birthday
You will not be hungry, and you will eat alkalizing, oxygenating, cell-healing foods, but also beautiful, delicious foods!
*Photos by Carolyn Lyman Cooper
When you choose the Lifetime Full-Support Membership or the Full Support for 3 Months Membership, here’s what you get:
Imagine feeling better and looking better than you do now. After the 26 Days, you might even feel as good as you did 20 years ago!
Imagine LOVING the skin you’re in, feeling confident and in control, and having a totally new understanding of your relationship with food and what it takes to be healthy. Now, take the first step and join us for the 26-Day Detox! You'll be glad you did...
With Lifetime Membership, you gain full support for life — support for all GreenSmoothieGirl Guided Detoxes or do a Detox on your own anytime — plus, the BONUS package above. Robyn recommends a comprehensive Detox TWICE per year, for ongoing healing, disease prevention, and excellent health.
Or choose 3-month access to our full support as you participate in ONE 26-Day Detox. (Get a buddy to join you and save on 2 memberships!) If you don't get the Lifetime Membership, we recommend optimizing your Detox experience with our Detox Companion Kit (you can see it lower on this page).
Lifetime Full Support Membership
Full Support Membership
We recommend adding our Detox Companion Kit to maximize your nutritional support and rehab your gut. (All of these products are included in the Bonus package for Lifetime Members.)
"I never thought I could live for 26 days without meat and chocolate every day! It is amazing to me how my taste buds have changed and how I no longer crave the foods that I once did. It was difficult at times, but having the online support and my detox buddy helped me through that.
I am a Registered Nurse and always thought I understood nutrition, but now I realize how far off some of my thinking has been. I am so appreciative to Robyn and her team for creating such a great program and for opening my eyes to the way that I can now live. I lost 15 pounds!"
— Renae O., Rigby, ID
"When I signed up for this program, I thought, “I’m never going to be able to do this,” because I was a carnivore, eating meat with every meal—and snacks of jerky and cheese! The first couple of days, I had a slight headache because I was not getting my two cups of coffee each morning!
I have more self-esteem and self-confidence from doing this detox. I learned that I can accomplish anything I really want to do—like losing 14 lbs. in 26 days!"
— Tammy L., Corrales, New Mexico
"Total weight loss of 14 lbs. Highlights of the detox: -Feeling lighter! -Fitting into my fave dress (hadn’t been able to in 3 yrs) and my fave jeans (not since 2006!) -Last, but not least, kicking my sugar cravings—that’s huge!
Going forward I’m committed to the following. After 20+ days, these seem attainable now: -Staying away from refined sugar—goodbye cookies, cakes, candies. I joked to my fiancée that the next time I’ll have sweets is when we cut our wedding cake in May. -Maintaining a low-sodium diet. Seriously, salty stuff doesn’t even taste good anymore. Now I prefer the more “complex” and zesty taste of lemon! -Eating more veggies. I was a total carnivore, but somehow meat no longer holds its previous appeal."
*results may vary
— Tracy S., Salt Lake City, Utah
Have you seen my FREE Detox Secrets Video Class? I go in-depth about the benefits of detoxification, in case you're still not sure if this is for you.