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Does your dentist advertise being “holistic or "biological?"?” Most of them are still using toxic materials and procedures.

This list of 17 Questions to Ask Your Dentist will give you the questions to find out for sure!


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Between diagnostics, materials, and treatments, there are dozens of ways your dentist may be putting your health at risk . . . and you won’t even know it!

That’s why I developed this list of 17 questions that will help you find the BEST biological dentist in your area.

Print and take it with you to the dentist! The questions work whether the dentist has holistic training or not. (They’ll actually make “regular” dentists mad, probably. Buh-bye, then!)

The best of the best will be able to answer in the affirmative to most or all of the questions, and will be excited to have a highly educated patient like you!

Grab the 17 most important questions about how educated and prepared your “biological dentist” is, to help you best.

17 questions to ask your holistic dentist

"The 17 questions for my dentist helped me realize my current, conventional dentist used many treatments that are risky for my overall long-term health. And they helped me find a biological dentist who is right for me."

-- Robyn Openshaw, GreenSmoothieGirl

Download the 17 Questions to Ask Your Dentist

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