Learn What You Need to Thrive In An Uncertain World.
Inflation, shortages, financial instability, war. The future may seem unstable ...
... but the way out of stress is to PREPARE.
The first education I ever provided at GreenSmoothieGirl was a “healthy preparedness” course, 18 years ago. But people didn’t have prepping on their minds.
Now, though, it’s all too clear we all need to be more self-reliant.
My Preparedness Class reviews inexpensive and free ways to step away from the insanity and be more prepared.
I’m NOT going to give you a list with 400 action items, or tell you to buy awful space-ship foods you don’t want to eat.
I've been prepping for 35 years–my entire adult life–my parents did, in the home I grew up in. I’ve gotten more serious about it, the last 4 years. Let me share with you in this class ALL my pro tips. The things that matter most.
Focusing on things you may not think of, that are free or inexpensive.
In addition to the 90-minute class, I’ll share with you links to the first-tier (most important) five preparedness items.
And a longer second-tier (next-level importance) items. Just do one step per day, and you’ll get there!