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You Can Heal with Whole Foods. But, It Isn’t Easy Without Guidance...

Say NO to Fad Diets That Aren’t Based on Nutritional Truths. And YES to Simple, Sustainable Improvements for Your Physical and Mental Health

The 12 Steps to Whole Foods Course Is The Simplest, Fastest Track to Enjoy, and Maintain,
The Best Health of Your Life, No Matter Your Age!

What ifyou knew the exact steps to take, one step at a time, towards excellent health for yourself... and your family?

If you’re suffering from any of the following...

  • Low energy
  • Excess weight  
  • Inflammation and pain 
  • Unexplained symptoms 
  • Feelings of anxiety or depression 
  • Food addictions you can’t overcome 
  • New diagnoses and more medications each year 

… then it’s time to address the foundation of your health

What is it? 

It’s the FOOD you buy, make, and eat every day

I’d love to teach you the exact habits that restored my health more than 25 years ago (when I had 21 disease diagnoses and was overweight) – kept my 4 kids healthy, and continue to keep me healthy in my 50s! 

The specific steps I’ll teach you are DELICIOUS, EASY, and INEXPENSIVE. 

Are you in?

You’re in luck! Right now, we’re offering a huge discount for 2 weeks only!

You Can Change Your Health, Step By Step!

This comprehensive course helps you take small steps, to find your ideal weight and health – to make the next 12 months the healthiest year of your life! 

And, this time, the weight loss and the fantastic health are here to stay.

You won’t count calories. And you won’t obsess about grams or ratios of proteins, fats, and carbs. When I show you how to eat whole foods the right way, all of this resolves itself.

"12 Steps to Whole Foods takes a person by their hand and gently guides them into a healthier lifestyle. I would encourage you to change your health step by step.

In my counseling with people, very few people can jump into a healthy lifestyle all at once. Taking one step at a time is more often lasting and permanent in their lives. 

It has been a great tool for me to recommend to people wanting to be healthier and wondering where to start.”

— Tracy Bush, NutriMom


IsNowthe Right Time for You?

What if you could ditch junk food without even missing it... and love your new whole foods diet because it's delicious, and doable? 

What if you could find and maintain your ideal weight... for life? 

And, what if you had your energy back... all while enjoying food as much as you ever did before, and felt NO deprivation? 

Without help, you’re going to struggle. I did. Let me help you avoid these and other challenges you’ll encounter if you try on your own:  

  • Information overload – thousands of search results for just one topic 
  • Contradicting information from different sources
  • Confusion about what will actually work for you 
  • Trying one diet after another, and still not seeing the results you want
  • Ongoing temptations for sugar and junk and processed foods and unhealthy beverages


  • Falling into the white lies of food marketers for gimmicks and products 
  • Information that’s difficult to apply to your life 
  • Push back from your friends and family that brings you down 
  • Lack of seeing results … and eventually giving up

And then, you’ll be back where you started … or worse.

Instead, what if you didn’t turn to one fad diet after another? Like Paleo. Then Whole30. And Keto.

What if you made a real commitment to your health — and to put in action the principles of good nutrition we know from decades of scientific studies?

People AREHealing with the 12 Steps to Whole Foods Course...

From ‘I’ve Been Asleep’ & Overweight to ‘Looking Forward to a Long, Happy, Healthy Life’

“I started 12 Steps to Whole Foods just over a year ago and I have lost 100lbs

When you introduced me to the crowd in Portland, everyone gasped. Until that moment, it had not really occurred to me what losing 100lbs meant. I just knew how wonderful it was to look in the mirror and see “me” again and know I’m on the right path that will allow me to stay this way forever. 

I have been overweight my whole life. I have tried tons of “diets.” Sometimes I lost, but the weight came back. Someone told me about, and I loved what I saw there. I’m off my blood pressure meds and I feel better and happier than I have in many years

I have done all 12 Steps. I did not count calories. I did not feel deprived. I ate yummy food. Everything in the program makes logical sense and is the way we should naturally eat. I love the recipes and feel the knowledge I have gained is a blessing. 

I feel like I’ve been asleep and now I am awake, full of life, looking forward to a long, happy, healthy life!

— K’Lynne W., Oregon 

‘The Medical Community Could Offer No Relief’

“Two years ago, illness and disease brought my life to a grinding halt. The medical community could not explain my symptoms nor could they offer me relief from my pain. 

I began to read books on natural healing and discovered the underlying truth that I needed to revamp my diet. I stumbled upon a GreenSmoothieGirl video on YouTube and discovered 12 Steps to Whole Foods shortly thereafter. What an amazing experience that was! Within a few short months, I was able to completely revolutionize my nutritional world. Wow!!

The 12 Step program is a well-researched, easy-to-read guide on eating well with lots of great suggestions on how to save time and money. Since implementing this program, I feel so confident about nutritionally meeting the needs of my family. It charts a clear, achievable course for people who want to eat well but just don’t know how.

Since living the GSG diet, I have healed my metabolism. I weigh 20 pounds less and have dropped from a size 6 to a size 0 (who knew that size even existed!). I finally feel comfortable with my weight and how my clothes fit. 

Thank you for being a calm, reassuring voice that encourages us to make lifelong changes. It’s not about products or gimmicks. It works for moms on tight budgets who stand as nutritional gatekeepers to the home. It worked for me and now my family is reaping the many, many benefits of whole foods!” 

— Darlene U., Canada

From Ongoing Ailments & Prostate Cancer … to the Best Health Ever

“I always considered myself a healthy eater and a good cook. I had been on Weight Watchers for 2 years and was almost to my desired weight, so I thought the foods I was preparing for my husband and children were healthy.

However, my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He also had asthma, tons of allergies, and high blood pressure. He had suffered from these ailments all of his life and fought colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia every winter. If we had gone ahead with the doctor’s advice to remove the prostate, the operation alone would probably have killed him. Instead, I asked my husband if he was ready to try the “green diet”. When I’d told him about healthy eating before, his reaction was immediate, “That diet would kill me, I’m allergic to all of those vegetables!!” Now, with cancer looming, he said, “Well, if I’m going to die anyway, I might as well die trying something”.

In one month, he lost 40 pounds, stopped using his asthma inhalers, never went back to the doctor for allergy shots, and stopped using almost all of his medications

After a year of many healing illnesses, he is now enjoying the best health he has ever had in his life.” 

— Christine Workman, Covington, WA

This Way of Eating Really Works!

GreenSmoothieGirl nutrition is compatible with both staying well and preventing disease. 

The program incorporates and supersedes any other previous nutrition recommendations I was making.” 

— Dr. Denise Punger, MD

Save 40%. For 2 Weeks Only.

12 Steps to Whole FoodsIs Your Shortcut to The Library

Do it the easy way. Rather than read 100 nutrition books, and hundreds of research studies, as I did, and spent a year in my kitchen, experimenting.

That’s why I created this course. To make it easy and delicious, for you. I’ve boiled down all the controversies in nutrition to explanations, steps, and guidance. Even video demos!

Following the “food cults” and the latest diet book hasn’t solved your issues.

I want to take you back to eating how people did before fully half of us got cancer. The way we ate before everyone was taking statin drugs.

The way we ate before we all had an average of two autoimmune conditions.

When I discovered these steps, 25 years ago, I said goodbye to 70 pounds, 21 diagnosed diseases, 6 prescription drugs, and so much misery.

After I implemented these easy but little-known practices, every symptom disappeared.

Now I’m living the life of my dreams, in my 50s. 

No symptoms, no meds. Traveling the world, with a career helping people, playing competitive sports, and seeing my children grown up. High energy, from early in the morning, till late at night.

This Course Makes Healthy Eating Doable!

Don’t wonder what you should eat every day. With this course, you'll get: 

  • A 408-page printed how-to manual 
  • Delicious, easy-to-make, whole foods recipes with full-color photos 
  • A whole foods menu planner for 2 months – with shopping lists, recipes, and menus 
  • Recipe videos (with Lifetime Full Support Membership)
  • A membership community, where you can ask questions of our health coach and the community (with Lifetime Full Support Membership)

Healthy Eating Without Overwhelm

“Easy step-by-step ideas to implement without becoming overwhelmed.”

— Eunice T.

‘Less Stressful and More Enjoyable’

I love that there is one goal a month! That makes changing your way of eating less stressful and more enjoyable. 

I also like it because you can focus on that goal and observe the changes that goal is making to your body and in your life.” 

— AB, IL

‘Something I Can Do’

“Over the years, I have learned a lot of good information about nutrition, but I have never been able to follow through with what I know

So many nutrition gurus make it sound like you need to go to extremes to be healthy, and it’s very difficult to follow these programs and still participate in social events. Robyn insists on good nutrition, but she is not extreme.

Robyn makes fantastic nutrition available to everyone including single/working moms and families with low budgets.

The program is set up to work at your own pace. If you are overwhelmed, you can go slowly and introduce one step per month. If you are ready to make big changes, you can do everything at once.” 

— Katie Gibson


You Can Get A 40% Discount.For 2 Weeks Only!

If you’re seeing this page, you’ve lucked into a very special offer we have just once a year!

For only a short time, you get 40% off any level of the course. Plus, some really exciting bonus gifts, to optimize your learning if you join us as a Full Support Lifetime Member!

Save Your: 

  • Gut health
  • Neurological health
  • Immune system, and
  • End your dieting, forever

– all in one place!

I implemented these 12 magical steps to whole foods, as I discovered them, one at a time, through a lot of trial and error.

These, my friends, are the game changers. The secret sauce of a healthy life, even in a toxic world where we’re surrounded by poor options everywhere.

If you’re ready to start taking a step at a time with me, join us. We have $164.95 in spectacular bonuses if you join us as a Lifetime Member.

Whatever you do, join us. Because I want you to have the health and joy you may only dream of.

Remember, a woman with her health has many dreams. A woman without it has only one.

It all starts with the fuel you choose for your one-and-only precious body.

A Lifetime Full Support Membership gets you permanent access to our private Facebook page, to ask your questions as you go along. You’ll also get $164.95 in bonus gifts, including:

Why Do I Want A Full Support Lifetime Membership?

Lifetime Full Support Membership


40% off

$399.97 (with bonus package valued at $164.95)

My full support membership is everything you need to get BACK - back to how people lived before HALF of us got cancer. The way we ate BEFORE everyone was taking statin drugs. The way we ate before we all had an average of two autoimmune conditions. For a limited time, you get our standard package PLUS $164.95 in freebies! Included are:

12 Steps to Whole Foods Course:
This 408-page printed manual is updated, indexed and in full color with photos, over 550 recipes, and best practices to bring you step-by-step into a whole-foods lifestyle!
12 step-planner
12 Steps to Whole Foods Menu Planner:
Gives you two months of shopping lists, recipes, and menus to fast-track a test run of a whole-foods, plant-based lifestyle without having to figure it out on your own!
The Green Smoothies Diet Ebook:
DIGITAL COPY of Robyn’s best-selling book with recipes, tips, tricks, and challenges to inspire you. You'll find strategies for breaking a sugar habit, getting your kids to enjoy more greens in their diet, and saving money while saving your health. (Found in the 12 Steps Portal!)
Access to our online membership site:
Where you will find additional materials, recipe videos, instructional audio and videos, 6 of my digital recipe ebooks and more! You’ll also get access to our support forum where you will can ask questions of other 12 steppers and our talented and encouraging support staff.

For a very limited time, for our biannual offering,
we’ve included this FREE BONUS set, valued at $164.95!
12 Steps Meditations CD
Change the way you think about and treat your body through these powerful and personal meditations.
GSG Genius Guides:
Years of research distilled into handy guides that will make you an instant health genius!


I'll send you 2 of my best-selling books, FREE, with your Lifetime Membership! PLUS 6 of my digital recipe ebooks!

  •    Reader’s Favorites Volume 1
  •    Reader’s Favorites Volume 2
  •    Robyns Healthy Family Favorites (ebook PDF)
  •    101 Healthy Lunches (ebook PDF)
  •    Healthy Holiday Favorites (ebook PDF)
  •    The Big Book of Green Smoothies (ebook PDF)
  •    The Green Smoothie Diet (ebook PDF)
  •    How to Eat Right in the Real World (ebook PDF)
  •    How to Raise Healthy Eaters (ebook PDF)

Other ways to Participate in 12 Steps to Whole Foods, Now at 40% off for a Short Time Only!

The 12 Steps Course


You'll get Robyn's fantastic, updated printed manual, ideal for improving your health, and energy, one perfect little step at a time. What the do-it-yourself course does is teach you the DO’s (Rather than a focus on the DON'Ts). How you can have a positive experience with whole foods. Robyn doesn’t beat people up about their food choices—she nurtures them into a healthier and happier place.


12 Steps to Whole Foods Course:
This 408-page printed manual is updated, indexed and in full color with photos, over 550 recipes, and best practices to bring you step-by-step into a whole-foods lifestyle!

12 step-planner

12 Steps to Whole Foods Menu Planner:
Gives you two months of shopping lists, recipes, and menus to fast-track a test run of a whole-foods, plant-based lifestyle without having to figure it out on your own!

Purchased seperately, these resources are valued over $255 retail. You’ll be missing out on lifetime support, the membership community, my bestselling green smoothies book, plus $160+ in free bonuses.

12 Steps Manual Only - Print


This 408-page printed manual is updated, indexed and in full color with photos, over 550 recipes, and best practices to bring you step-by-step into a whole-foods lifestyle!


12 Steps eManual Only


Download this pdf to your device to take the 12 Steps Manual anywhere! All the information, photos, and recipes in the Manual are here in electronic format.


Can I Do This If I'm Vegan? Paleo? Keto?

In the course of a year, you can adopt the habits that took me 16 years to learn, experiment with, and adopt into daily practice – for optimal weight, health, and energy!

The focus of this course is on natural, unrefined foods, with a strong emphasis on plant foods, and 60 to 80% raw. (That’s where the enzymes are, and undamaged vitamins and minerals.)

We steer completely clear of “diet fads” (for instance, Paleo and Keto are most popular in this decade) but this diet is friendly to vegetarian or vegan, Paleo, and Keto diets.

This course does not have any animal flesh in the recipes, because most Americans know how to prepare and eat meat already and eat too much.

Our objective is to get more plants in your diet. Eating more plants is the #1 key to living a disease-proof life, as proven by over 10,000 published studies in the past decade alone.

You’ll learn loads of new and exciting ways to use foods that have nourished mankind for thousands of years before there was a McDonald’s on every corner!

The Full-Support Lifetime Membership course includes well over 1,000 recipes and everything you need to know, to enjoy a lifestyle eating the world’s most nutritious foods – easily, inexpensively, and deliciously.

(Plus you’ll get other fabulous bonuses, as a Lifetime Member.)

The 12 Steps are easy shifts anyone can make!


Each Chapter Has Tips for SavingMoney and Time!

In addition to 12 Steps being a compendium of the very best practices in nutrition, I’ve developed hundreds of recipes to gradually replace your low-nutrition family favorites with high-nutrition, new favorites.

Each chapter has tips on saving money and time. The manual is fully indexed so you can easily look up recipes that use ingredients you have on hand.

A whole-foods lifestyle doesn’t have to be expensive. And you don’t have to be a slave to the kitchen. 

I show you how each minute spent in the kitchen, yields two minutes of increased energy and vitality! Each chapter has time- and money-saving tips.

The Full-Support Lifetime Membership course includes well over 1,000 recipes and everything you need to know, to enjoy a lifestyle eating the world’s most nutritious foods–easily, inexpensively, and deliciously.
100% money back guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

For shipping products, simply return them to us unopened, in resaleable condition, and we’ll give you a 100% refund, no questions asked!
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