
I can’t believe I’m about to do this. Tell you my humiliating story. And give you something amazing. That came out of my sickness-to-health story.

I had two small children, when my health tanked. I had barely enough energy to feed them and do the basics.

I felt awful that I wasn’t the mom I’d always planned to be. But I’d spend 10 hours in bed at night, and never felt rested.

And then find something to occupy my kids, while I slept for 3 hours in the middle of every afternoon.

I mean literally every afternoon.

a "before" image of Robyn in the hospital after giving birth side by size with an "after" picture of Robyn now heathy.

I wish this were the most humiliating thing. But it’s not. My children, adults now, remember. They remember their mom was always in bed.

I wasn’t just motivated because my own health was terrible. I also had a beautiful, healthy, 9-lb first baby, whose health tanked at 4.5 months, also after a pharma product injury.

He was in and out of ER’s, doctor’s offices, and on several drugs to manage his life-threatening asthma. I needed to change his chicken-nuggets, cinnamon-raisin toast, dairy-milk diet, too.

Eating right is foundational to health. You can’t skip it and be healthy.

This is my experience, personally, and as GreenSmoothieGirl online for 18 years, working with thousands of people.

You’re thinking, “But that sounds hard. Isn’t there a supplement I can take, or something?”

I wish there were a pill you could take instead. If there were, I’d have it made for you. I’d be taking it. There’s not, though.

I feel you. I was overwhelmed, too, getting started.

What if it’s easier than you think?

What if every 30 minutes you spend learning a high-impact, nutrient-dense, easy whole-foods habit yields you 3 hours a day, in increased productivity, a positive mood, and better relationships?

That’s what happened for me.

Can I make it easier? What if you had exactly what to eat, for 30 days? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

And the shopping lists to go with it, week by week.

And the ingredients were all easy to find and inexpensive. Organic, whole plant foods.

And what if the recipes were quick to make. And delicious.

Professionals helped me put the 12 Steps to Whole Foods Menu Planner together. Moms who also had little time.

We used our favorite recipes from my comprehensive course, 12 Steps to Whole Foods.

I tried a lot of things, but just 12 of them made a powerful impact on my family’s health. And became our repertoire. That I make my lifestyle, to this day.

Each new step, tells you the WHY–why it had the power to upgrade our health. And the HOW–the recipes and shopping lists.

You could take my free, short video class on the 12 dietary habits I changed, to get my life back.

Robyn Openshaw making a green smoothie

After spending 4 years in bed following a pharmaceutical injury. (The fact that I was eating a crappy diet for years didn’t help, when my health tanked.)

I knew I had to eat a healthier diet. But how? When I had no energy, and was anxious and depressed.

I was a grad-school student when I was required by my job to get that pharma product.

I had to drop out of my final PhD goal, because I couldn’t be a mom, help support my family, and finish my educational goal.

Something had to give.

The good news is, I did it. Not only did I find enough simple recipes to get my family on a better track nutritionally.

But I also regained my health so fully, that I lost 50 pounds, had two more children, and traveled to 450 cities to teach how I’d turned my health around, to inspire others to do so.

Robyn's family on steps

Something had to give.

The good news is, I did it. Not only did I find enough simple recipes to get my family on a better track nutritionally.

But I also regained my health so fully, that I lost 50 pounds, had two more children, and traveled to 450 cities to teach how I’d turned my health around, to inspire others to do so.

Robyn's family on steps

I still can’t believe I’m going to give you the digital version of the 12 Steps Menu Planner, for $5.95. It’s been $49.95!

But I am. People are telling me their health is suffering, more than in the whole 18-year history of GreenSmoothieGirl.

This is a great way to dip your toe in the water. Give a whole-food, plant-based diet, with perfect nutrition, a try for 30 days, the easy way.

I lost 50 POUNDS. I did not count calories. I did not obsess over counting grams of proteins, fats, and carbs.  I was never hungry.

I just ate these whole-food, plant-based recipes.

A plant sitting next to an ipad showing the 12 steps menu planner on screen

I had such phenomenal results, I never went back.

25 years now, and this is still how we eat.

I never want to go back to feeling how I did on the Standard American Diet.

It’s not just me that got off 5 prescription drugs and went from desperately ill, to healthy.

My little boy got well, got off all his pharma products, and went on to be the baseball MVP of the state, his senior year.

You know what else is crazy? I enjoy food as much now as I did then. I love my food. I think you will, too.

It’s a short but beautiful transition. I know I’m crazy, for right now only, I’m offering you the 12 Steps to Whole Foods Menu Planner for only $5.95

Pay a little extra if you want the print version, and we’ll cover the shipping.

I want for you what I discovered for me and my family half my life ago. That eating a whole-foods plant-based diet doesn’t have to be hard, expensive, time consuming, or yucky.

Enjoy! Today only, $5.95 for the normally $49.95 12 Steps to Whole Foods Menu Planner.

The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition.

The GreenSmoothieGirl name and logo are registered trademarks of GreenSmoothieGirl.com, Inc.
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