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Can You Avoid Fillings and Regenerate Your Teeth?

Robyn Openshaw - Apr 07, 2014 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Amanda teeth

Amanda Beutler and son Olin

Last Thursday night, I spoke to nearly 200 of my friends in Boise. Afterwards, signing books and talking with people, a beautiful woman named Amanda Beutler got to the front of the line and was crying before she even started speaking. At first, all she could say was, “Thank you.” She gave me a hug, took a few breaths, and told me this story that has had me jumping out of my skin with excitement, wanting to share it, ever since.

18 months before we met, she had taken her 6-year old son, Olin, to his first-ever dentist visit, to find that he had 6 cavities! The dentist insisted that she make an appointment at a hospital to put Olin under anesthesia for the surgery! She was uncomfortable with this and asked the dentist to wait.

She had the thought: “If the human body can heal, why can’t teeth?” What a genius question. An important question. As with cancer (where virtually everyone we know just follows Standard of Care, chemo / radiation), we don’t really KNOW what regeneration the teeth can experience, because nearly 100% of us just get the filling in our teeth. As someone who has recently been paying the price for the tons of sugar I ate in the earlier decades of my life, I have studied this issue in-depth, as I’ve paid a steep price for my metal fillings, later removed and replaced, and eventual failure of those teeth and materials. A filling is not the same thing as natural tooth dentin, no matter what material you use.

Biological dentists use non-toxic, or more accurately, less-toxic materials. (Traditional dentists use amalgam fillings with heavy metals, root canals that are possibly the scariest and most toxic medical procedure in modern Standard of Care, and toxic crown and implant materials containing heavy metals known to cause auto-immune conditions.) Biological dentists use different procedures and materials.

But every time we drill and fill teeth, we take those teeth closer to inevitable death. I have always wondered, is there another way? If so, how would we know? It would take someone opting out of that accepted system and doing something radically different. It would take a hero. Or heroine.

Amanda is an amazing mother. She spent three months researching intensively. She found, started feeding Olin green smoothies daily, and began implementing my 12 Steps to Whole Foods program in earnest. She wasn’t dabbling in it–she was implementing it in a very committed way.


As I have done, Amanda studied the voluminous, compelling work of Dr. Weston A. Price, DMD. He believed that cavities could be healed after researching indigenous people, all over the world, who displayed no tooth decay. He compared these results to people in developed nations eating a processed diet.

Six months after implementing her self-designed protocol after studying the work of Dr. Price and GreenSmoothieGirl, Amanda and Olin returned to the dentist. He examined Olin’s mouth and turned to Amanda, completely baffled, and asked her how his cavities could be gone–filled in with hard, healthy dentin, in no need of fillings. He called his colleague in to see. All six of them were healed.

Dr.Weston Price

Dr.Weston Price

Amanda’s answer was, “Green smoothies!” She wrote me later to share this photo I’d asked for, and said, “Thank you so much, Robyn, for everything! You have helped to significantly change my family’s well-being!”

Amanda, let me thank you. I have wondered the same thing, myself: “If the human body can heal, can’t teeth repair themselves?” I think you are a heroine–going against the grain, and doing hard things, making sacrifices, to bless your little son’s life.

Little did you know you have now helped many others. I am ecstatic to share this story and try these things myself, with new confidence and hope. Very frankly, I want essential oil producers to share your story too, and I plan to share this with them!

Thank you for being brave and being a pioneer. Thank you for telling me what you did–I am so inspired!

Posted in: Dental Health, Green Smoothies

32 thoughts on “Can You Avoid Fillings and Regenerate Your Teeth?”

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  1. UrsaLee says:

    Thanks for this post – and to Amanda for getting it started. Because it has never made any sense to me that teeth can’t regenerate per the ‘experts’.

  2. Cynthia says:

    Hi Amanda

    Can you describe the protocol you used with the birch oil? How many drops, was it in conjunction with oil pulling, what kind of oil did you use, etc.?

    Thanks so much for sharing your story — You are a pioneer!

    1. Amanda Beutler says:

      Hi there! Many people were asking the same questions you did. I posted an in depth comment below to answer everyone 🙂
      As far as the oil pulling, though, I could not get my son to use oil other than the Birch oil to swish. He just didn’t like the consistency. I do utilize the oil pulling method periodically for myself, though I should do it more often! I personally love coconut oil and with a couple of drops of Doterra’s blend On Guard 🙂

  3. Marae VerSteeg says:

    Thank you Amanda for sharing! This is an answered prayer. 🙂 I actually just returned (1 hour ago) from a dental visit with my 17 year old daughter. She has had multiple cavities over the past 5 years, each year ranging from 5-15 cavities. She has severe erosion all over all her teeth, and neither the dentist or the orthodontist have ever seen anything quite like this. She was adopted from Russia at age 7 with serious nutritional issues and had 2 black baby teeth. After her adult teeth started to come in, we thought there would not be any issues. However, she now is going to need crowns or some type of veneers to cover her teeth as they are so week and colored brown in many areas and she is self conscious of it. I certainly do not want to do the crowns because it doesn’t fix the real issue. I too have researched Dr. Price and love the GSG and am convinced in my own heart that this can be healed even though the “experts” would think that I am crazy.
    If you could share specifics that you used, it would be so appreciated! Did you use Green Pasture fermented cod liver oil? Your story came at just the right time! Thank you so much!!!!!
    Marae VerSteeg

    1. Amanda Beutler says:

      Hello! I’m glad to have helped in any small way 🙂 Your vigor to research and find what your daughter needs is admirable! I love what Robyn shares in her class ‘How to Eat Right in the Real World’, that when you hear or read information that is true, you feel it! It raises your own body’s vibration. I can 100% attest to that 🙂 When you come across something that is going to be good for you and your family, you will know!

      I gave a more in depth description of what I did for my son below. And yes, I did use Green Pasture’s fermented cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil 🙂

  4. Christy says:

    Are you a trained aromatherapy clinician Robyn? I cannot for the life of me understand why you are telling people to put a toxic oil such as wintergreen in their mouths?! This oil can prove to be fatal if ingested, especially if a person does not realize that they are sensitive or allergic to it. Giving it to a child to “swish” with seems incredibly dangerous because they are very likely to swallow some of it. I don’t know much about Birch oil, but suggesting that a person replace Birch oil with Wintergreen seems extremely irresponsible, especially when doTERRA even says it’s not for internal use (and I think that doTERRA is extremely lax in their usage recommendations already). I’m not trying to slam your post, but after having spent the last 5 months extremely ill because of internal oil usage and incorrect topical usage of doTERRA oils (although I was following their recommendations) I’m not willing to read this kind of information and not say something. Someone’s child could literally be poisoned and die if they use Wintergreen in the way you are suggesting.

    1. Robyn says:

      Hi Christy, I totally disagree, sorry. The ONLY reason doTERRA doesn’t mark their Wintergreen as safe for internal use is that they will ONLY label products the FDA has listed as GRAS (generally regarded as safe), and Wintergreen is not on that list. And the REASON it is not on that list is only because some companies use chemical, even petroleum-based, solvents in processing Wintergreen. doTERRA doesn’t, and I feel very comfortable with my family using the oil daily, swishing, as Amanda said she did (I didn’t “suggest” it so much as say that Amanda did this with Birch, and that I use Wintergreen because of its similar properties). If you have any evidence that what Amanda did “can prove to be fatal,” is “incredibly dangerous, “extremely irresponsible,” that someone could “literally be poisoned,” all quotes of yours, please let us know, since there is no literature supporting any of that.

      1. Christy says:

        I learned about Wintergreen being toxic and poisonous when taken internally from an aromatherapy clinician I saw who helped me detox off of the doTERRA essential oils that I was literally overdosing on (I say overdosing, but I was using them as directed by doTERRA–Neat topical application and internally in my water as directed on the bottle). Here is one of many websites where I have read that wintergreen can be fatal if used internally: (see “Side Effects” tab). I don’t have an issue with what Amanda did, but rather with substituting wintergreen oil for birch oil. I know that a child would have to swallow a lot of the wintergreen oil to die, but it still doesn’t make sense to put something toxic, whether it’s 100% pure or not, inside one’s mouth or the mouth of one’s child. I really don’t want to argue back and forth with you. This experience of overdosing with the oils has been one of the worst of my life. I’ve been so sick I thought I might have a brain tumor, MS, or something equally awful. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars trying to figure things out and I’m still not fully recovered. I LOVED using my oils and it makes me incredibly sad to not be able to anymore. That is why I spoke up, because I don’t want others to get sick like I did. I’m sure you’re better able to write words that will convince your readers than I can, but if what I write can help one person who might be at risk of using the oils in a way that could harm them, than I’m glad I spoke up. Reading someone’s dissenting comment in a sea of information like yours is what helped me finally figure out why I was so ill. PS-I really am curious to know if you’re trained in aromatherapy?

        1. Robyn says:

          Christy, wintergreen oil is used in thousands of products and usually when it is, it is with a chemical-solvent-extracted version of it. I am sorry you had a negative reaction to some oils. Some people in the modern world (thanks to GMO, hybridization, endocrine disruptors in air/water/food, drug toxicity buildup, and more) are in a constant state of internal turmoil called ‘auto immune’ by the medical profession, and due to the misfiring going on, they react negatively to whole foods and any number of natural substances. Your link is talking about internal use, whereas Amanda was swishing with birch and I stated that wintergreen has similar properties. That’s rather different than drinking it. doTERRA doesn’t approve it for internal use and I didn’t recommend that either. I don’t recommend anything, actually. I shared some information and a story. Yes, I have aromatherapy training.

    2. Cynthia says:

      I have a wonderful book called The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple by David Stewart, Ph.D., D.M.N., which may shed some light on this discussion:

      According to Stewart, those trained in the British School of aromatherapy ban both birch and wintergreen oils as unsafe for human use, while those trained in the French School do not.

      Historical Reason (Stewart, pp. 3 – 6): Modern aromatherapy was begun in France in the 1920s and was developed by medical doctors. However, the founder of the British School, although aware of the medical uses of essential oils, was not a physician and felt she should focus on non-medical usages. She therestablished a model of diluting oils for massage and beauty applications, thus emphasizing more “aroma” than therapy. In France, a medical doctor treated the wounded during WWII with essential oils and promoted their use among his medical colleagues. Thus, the French School emphasizes “therapy” more than aroma.

      Chemical Reasons (Stewart, pp. 267 -271): The British School relies on scientific research on animals using certain isolated compounds from essential oils that are usually food or perfume grade (as opposed to a therapeutic grade, 100% natural essential oil). The French School relies on scientific research with human beings using whole oils of therapeutic quality and, to a large degree, on empirical and anecdotal experiences with their subjects.

      The active chemical in both birch and wintergreen is methyl salicylate, which comprises 85-90% of the essential oil. The other 10-15% are chemicals that keep the methyl salicylate from being toxic.

      In addition, while synthetic and natural methyl salicylate are chemically the same, the structure of the molecules are different (the hydroxyl part of the compound is attached at different carbons of the benzene ring). Synthetic methyl salicylate does not fit into our receptor sites in a therapeutic manner as the natural version does.

      Therefore, synthetic wintergreen oil is, in fact, toxic and this is the reason many aromatherapists refuse to use it. “They don’t realize that natural wintergreen does no harm and has healing powers” (p. 271).

      I encourage everyone to do their own research, but I hope this was helpful….

      1. Robyn says:

        Cynthia, thank you, VERY helpful. I was going to come back and do a more thorough reply as you have done, and also invite my lovely friend P.J. Hanks in Seattle, who has an advanced degree in aromatherapy, to share as well, here, to dispel the false notion that doTERRA’s pure wintergreen is toxic.

      2. Lyzz says:

        This was super helpful! Thank you so much for posting this. Seems that many things are a case of “better safe than sorry” and cya when it comes to how some companies label their natural oils.

  5. Lori M. says:

    Does anyone know if this will work for cracks in teeth? One of my molars has a crack and the dentist says I could put a filling in it but it will just break over time since there is so much stress on those teeth, so we should just put a crown on it to prevent any further breakdown. Any thoughts?

    1. Amanda Beutler says:

      Hi Lori!
      I definitely think that it would help!! I gave a much more in depth description of what I did to help my son below. So many people were asking 🙂
      I loved the book ‘Cure Tooth Decay’ by Ramiel Nagel for his insight on holistic dental practices with special circumstances.

    2. bert says:

      Hi Lori,

      You’re raising a very important issue. Why is one of your most important teeth, vital for chewing veggies and for their digestion, becoming brittle and cracking? What caused that tooth to dry out, and lose its resiliance? Did a dentist remove your wisdom teeth? If so that was a very deep cutting operation, that cut through the veins and arteries that supplied each quadrant of the dental structure, and they may not have recovered in full.

      Have you ever had a shot, of what the dentist told you was novocaine, for a drilling on that side? An ingredient (epinephrin) is added (not by the dentist, but by his brotherhood) that causes the veins and arteries to collapse, along with the capillary mat between them, all of which maintain the ground plane nourishes the entire mouth. Once collapsed, the blood flow never fully recovers. Has a dentist ever fried that tooth (or an adjoining tooth) with intense UV radiation, for example, for a ceramic (sometimes “biological”) filling? UV radiation is highly anti-biotic, and it will “cook” (kill) the soft tissue of a tooth.

      Did you have another injury there, like a car wreck or something? Why is that tooth not getting its blood flow, why is it becoming dried out and brittle? “Whitening” the teeth with fluoride or unknown chemicals, can dry out a tooth as well, especially when applied just after the enamel has been stripped off with grinding paste, in a process called “polishing.” You have to ask your dentist, and he has to be very concerned and knowledgable as well, as to why this is actually happening. If other teeth dry out, you will lose them as well.

      Based on experience I would never allow a dentist to put in a top crevice filling. It will sit on the top of the tooth like a wedge, that will eventually get pushed down into the tooth a billionth of a micromillimeter. Eventually, the wedge effect will cause the tooth to split down to its root, like a woodcutter pounds on a wedge to split a large piece of wood. Based on my personal experience, the allopathic crown solution is IMHO a terrible idea.

      It’s sad truth that dentists are reluctant to inform their patients of another less violent and less traumatic, and much healthier, and less expensive option. To prepare a crown, the dentist grinds away good tooth struture, taking it down to a stubble with edges completely below the gumline. He says he needs for the ragged edge or “seam” between his “from out of town crown” and the stubble that he left, to be below your gum line. He says he needs that edge to be where it cannot be seen, or cleaned. He cannot make money and preserve his reputation when he has to reject the incredibly poor fit between the more profitable prosthesis that he ordered. When the prosthesis doesn’t fit right, he has no choice but to sell it on you.

      Creating a stubble with jagged edges below the gum line will also require a root canal for each root of the tooth. By comparison to the ABSOLUTE DANGER and INSANITY of multiple root canals, let alone just one of them, loss of the tooth is much preferred. The healthier, and less expensive option that was available to older dentists but that is not available to modern ones, is called an ONLAY. It’s a wrap-around filling, that just covers the top. It protects the pulp, roots, and sidewalls of the remaining tooth and enamel. It minimizes dental violence while you try to figure out what caused the tooth to dry out and split in the first place. If ther’s a chance the causes were iatotropic, your dentist may be reluctant to fully inform you. Dentists will refuse to inform you about this much safer and much healthier option, which much less expensive less violent less invasive, for a reason. They used to have their own local metalurgy labs.

      The dentist will complain that for an onlay to work, the edge needs to fit perfectly. So, what then? the edge of a crown, below the gumline, where it can’t be cleaned, where it’s dark and moist, and full of bacteria, doesn’t need to fit perfectly? Moreover, the edge of an onlay can be cleaned easily. It’s above the gumline. So, the dentist tries to explain how the edge of a crown, that’s below the gumline, doesn’t need the exact fit. The fact is, prosthesis manufacture upon which every dentist depents, is effectively a global mail order monopoly. If a dentist keeps sending work back, complaining of poor fit, he soon finds himself looking for another supplier. So you may end up with multiple root canals, plus a prosthesis with the “most reasonable economic fit for the dollar,” whose edge below the gumline can only invite inflammatory response, and ultimately infection, because it’s below the gumline, and can never be cleaned by the owner.

  6. rebecca says:

    hi, this sounds wonderful! i am all into this! i would like to know if you generally take birk oil internally? and if how many drops. pure or in water?
    how many drops did amandas son get of that oil? and does swish mean, he had it in his mouth and moved it from one side to the other? then spit it out? is it necessary to spit it out? my son is 4 and he might swallow it!?!?!?! would that b a problem?
    he had one cavity and got it removed by dentist. “just” with injection. he NEVER wants to go back to the dentist…….so here ia am trying to brusch his teath very very good every day….but thats what i tried before and i didnt seem to have done a perfect job… here i am searching for better alternatives!!!
    thank you!

    1. Amanda Beutler says:

      Hello! I left a more in depth description what I did below, but wanted to respond to you personally as well 🙂
      I had my son swish with water and one drop of Doterra’s Birch oil morning and night for 15 seconds and spit it out. I never told him to swallow it, though he may have a little bit a few times. As far as the swishing, I just showed him how I swished all over my mouth and he copied!
      Hope that helps!

  7. Karen says:

    I am very hopeful after reading your story. I have been trying to heal my 6 and 3 year olds mouths for the past few months. We eat very healthy and have started brushing their teeth with clay paste or just water. Did you use a specific tooth paste or just have him swish with the birch oil? I’m not sure how I could explain/teach my children to swish. Any suggestions would be helpful.

    1. Amanda Beutler says:

      Thank you Karen!
      I left a lengthy comment below with more details 🙂 As far as toothpaste goes, we use Earthpaste. As far as swishing goes, they pick it up, just like anything else. My kids love to copy, so I showed them and had them practice with water until they got it. I now have 3,5 and 6 year olds who swish with their choice of lemon, on guard or birch every day 🙂

  8. Dina says:

    This story is incredible! How, exactly, did you use the birch oil? By itself or did you mix it up with coconut oil like Robin said with the wintergreen oil?

    1. Amanda Beutler says:

      Thank you Dina! I had my son use a drop of Birch oil with water morning and night to swish. He tried coconut oil once and did not like the consistency. I am a huge fan of the oil pulling technique that Robyn mentioned, though!

  9. Misty Foxley says:

    Thank you, both Robyn and Amanda. I just ordered and received Dr. Price’s book last week, but have not read it yet (maybe the answer to my question is in the book already). If not, then I have a question for you–in your research, did you find any information on what to do for old existing metal cavities? I know they can be removed and replaced, but with what material is safe? Or can they be rebuilt naturally if they are not too deep? I am not sure what resources to trust and where to find answers to this kind of question. My family members are all older, we’ve all got fillings, and I don’t know what to do about those fillings now. Any thoughts?

    1. Amanda Beutler says:

      The author Ramiel Nagel gives great insight in his book ‘Cure Tooth Decay’ based largely on Dr. Price’s research! You will find in it lots of information that is applicable to modern day holistic dentistry and safe protocols and techniques for cases like yours 🙂

  10. Christy says:

    I think it is lame that you chose not to allow my comment to post. I’m going to unsubscribe from your emails and I’m really disappointed in your lack of integrity. You could have a least responded back to my comment if you found it to be inaccurate. I hope that you are just ignorant of the dangers of wintergreen and not willfully endangering people in order to sell more product.

    1. Robyn says:

      Hi Christy, happy to approve your post. This blog went live this morning and I was out in meetings today, just here approving lots of them later in the day.

  11. Peggy says:

    I’ve been doing the coconut oil pull for months after researching online. I had horrible tooth pain and was worried about needing a root canal. I have been applying OnGuard oil to my tooth and gums after doing the oil pull. I also do whole foods, and smoothies. My tooth stopped throbbing and the gums aren’t as swollen. My teeth hurt if I eat sweets, so I avoid sugar.

  12. Gina Marie says:

    Hello! I’ve been a Dental Hygienist for 17 years. I’m also 42 years old and never had a cavity. Since reading your story, I’ve only used and recommended daily flouride rinses to help prevent decay, and to also repair early decay not deep into the dentin. You have sparked my interest here. Many of my young patients are showing lots of decay( mainly due to drinking juice!) and I would love to try this oil, and see how my enamel responds to it. My enamel has thinned over the years due to using whitening toothpaste ( which No One should use, very abrasive to the enamel). I’m doing the green smoothie shakes as well! Thank you for sharing your amazing story !

  13. Sharlene says:

    I would love to know her personal protocol so we can fix teeth too!

    1. Amanda Beutler says:

      Hi Sharlene! Many people were asking the same question you did. I posted an in depth comment below to answer everyone 🙂

  14. Marco says:

    What is the proportion of coconut oil and wintergreen oil mix for swishing?

  15. Shannon says:

    Amanda, did you do anything else besides essential oil and change your diet to the GSG way of eating?

    1. Amanda Beutler says:

      Hello Shannon! Many people were asking the same question, so I posted a more in depth comment below to answer everyone 🙂

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